Friday, September 14, 2012

No Sex Protest

Finally, the ladies of the world may be organizing for power...the smart way.  It seems that little Togo, another African nation like Liberia, the one that first started to use the tactic (successfully) in 2003 is showing the ladies that the way to control men is through the ultimate female power....that being the power to withhold sex until the men do as the ladies wish.

Togo Female opposition leader Isabelle Ameganvi said that sex could be a "weapon of the battle" to achieve political change in that country. She and the ladies want the dictator, President Faure Gnassingbe out of office so they have called for all the Togo ladies to abstain from sex with their men for one week as a means of instituting government reforms, and hopefully ousting the Pres. "If men refuse to hear our cries we will hold another demonstration that will be more powerful than a sex strike," she said. Hmmmm Is there a more powerful weapon?

Togo has been run by the Gnassingbe family for more than four decades, and just recently the dictator instituted an election system designed to keep himself in power.  The no sex strike is supposed to motivate men who are not involved in the politics of Togo to pursue its goals, which include an end to the system allowing unlimited presidential terms. I guess the men are keeping their pants on for the time being and hoping they can take them off later.

Evidently, Togo ladies think that the male brain is located in the lower half of their bodies. They may be right. At least thehookers in Togo can  make more money from the upswing in business from males who do think from below the waist. I wonder if this could start a trend everywhere. Just imagine a wife asking the husband if he took out the garbage pail as instructed. " Not yet, Dear"....Oops! No sex today for you, buddy!" What power women would have. Those guys would either have to obey their ladies or find an alternative, perhaps a new gay lifestyle or the local VD infected hooker. Not so appealing.... I suspect you ladies would have men on their knees everywhere.

We may have a world run by a no sex policy. Hmmmmm Now that's real political activism.

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