Sunday, November 4, 2012

Old Fasioned People

I have become what I used to call my parents when I was a kid, "old fashioned". In those days being old fashioned was not a good thing. It meant a person was out of touch with changes that everyone else wanted in their lives.  It seems the younger a person is them more they need to change in order to feel secure. No wonder the young struggle so much.  My childhood perception of my mom and dad was they were missing something by being old fashioned. Little did I know then that when one is old fashioned they may miss on the new, but they also happily embrace the old.

I wonder how many people who live their lives to a full age never become old fashioned. There must be a few, but they are rarely noticed and when they do show themselves people don't exclaim that "He's a man of fashion and style". Instead. they say things like, "He's just and old fool". No wonder that as we get older and older we feel more comfortable being old fashioned.

I can list a lot of ways I am old fashioned, but here are a few that prove it.
1) I have never used nor ever will use an ATM machine.
2) The only phones I acknowledge as useful are land line phones.
3) I get upset when I see other people behaving rudely or inappropriately in public, and it is important to me to always act ethically.
4) I think people today are more selfish and dishonest than in earlier generations.
5) I would rather die than have a tattoo, piercing or wear a baseball cap backwards.
6) When I either give or receive a promise I expect it to be honored.
7)  Being respectful to even those I dislike is important. if not, I taint my own character.
8)  I think that too many people today want a handout, not a job.
9) When something bad happens to me I accept it as part of life and say to myself, "I will overcome this setback". Yet today I think  too many in the world see their misfortune as someone else's fault and that someone else should "fix it".
10) I think special effects and other technological advances have ruined movies that are made today.

You get the idea. For me being old fashioned is no longer an undesirable trait. It means I have planted roots in life and that those the roots feel good. Yep! Just call me an Old Fashioned Man.

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