Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hateful Muslim Protests

It's interesting to see those crazy Muslim factions rioting and carrying out tantrums again against the U.S. Israel and some other western nations that dare to practice freedom of expressions...err..freedom of anything. Many clerics in their mosque sermons in the Mideast are urging their congregations to "defend their faith", by denouncing the obscure movie that an American citizen posted on  line, 'Innocence of Muslims'  that denigrated the Islamic image of Muhammad. What a crock it all is.

It's the same perverted Islamic mentality that calls Americans "devils", that shouts "death to America" and that promotes and practices violence against non Muslims simply because they are "infidels" rather than Muslims. In fact, that film has nothing to do with the alleged outrage of extremists. It's simply an excuse and a vehicle that allows extremist, fundamentalist and terrorist Muslim organizations to more easily take over the governments in those recently liberated dictatorial Arab nations. Fact is, there is a vacuum in the governments in many of the 20 or more countries with angry, illiterate, unemployed, desperate Muslims who are rioting against weak their newly weakened Muslim states. By using that movie as an excuse,  it is helping the crazy factions move closer to taking control of the legal governments in some those nations.

What's different about these riots than some of the more recent ones is that there is not now a dictator head of state or string government in the countries. In the past such riots were stifled by the legitimate government organizations, who put them down quickly and often violently. Now, in their weakened and with the military undecided about what to do, there may be an end to the democratic movements of last spring in some of the Arab states and replacement of them with Iranian style theocratic dictatorships. Al-Qaida has already called for more attacks on U.S. embassies  to "set the fires blazing". Further, it said that, "What has happened is a great event, and these efforts should come together in one goal, which is to expel the embassies of America from the lands of the Muslims."

Perhaps the west should explain to Muslim nations in clear terms, accompanied by a new policy of no more western money for any Arab state that violates the rights of a foreign embassy on Muslim territory, that Muslims must respect the rights of non Muslims. If I were the President of the U.S. I would, for instance, immediately issue a formal and public statement to Egypt that there would be no more foreign aid from the U.S. (Egypt receives more than $2 billion dollars each year from the U.S., the highest amount given to any nation) until the perpetrators of the Embassy attack were arrested and tried, and until guarantees were made that Egyptian police would not simply stand and watch the "protesters' act out, but instead would protect the American Embassy per the agreements all nations make with each other to do so.

To the crazy Arabs in the region I would state clearly that, "The American democratic system embraces freedom of expression. This includes criticizing your religious head or any other. As a sovereign and free nation we do not censor our citizens to mollify your desires, nor do we suspend constitutional rights when your feelings are hurt by our free expression." Allah Akbar to that.

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