Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wife Selling Husband

Things are getting bad out there for husbands. I think women are finally fed up with our inferior male habits because they are taking action toward relieving stresses we men cause. At times like this I am glad I am not a husband. For example, just last week a Pakistani woman was arrested after admitting to cutting up her husband into small pieces, cooking him and serving his body parts in a stew. She claimed that she did it because she feared her husband was interested in molesting their daughter. Now that is acting on anticipation!

Another example of the wife's revolt against a useless husband occurred in Florida. So upset with her husband's addictive video game playing (something called "Modern Warfare 3" was the game of choice for the husband) that after one stretch of 48 consecutive hours of gaming, Alyse Baddley's placed this ad on Craigslist to sell her husband Kyle:

"I am selling my 22 year old husband. He enjoys eating and playing video games all all day. Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours. You must have Internet and space for gaming. Got tired of waiting so free to good home. If acceptable replacement is offered will trade.

Ok, the ad was more of a joke than an actually offer for sale. Husband Kyle's own mom suggested and helped write the ad for Alysee. But behind every joke is some reality, and the reality is that the husband ignored his wife and did nothing but play video games each day (Hmmm maybe we could also sell all the cell phone addicts to each other and restore sanity to the world as a result).

Maybe the husband thought Alysee less appealing than a good video game. But quite a few of the hundreds of responses took the ad seriously. One woman offered to retrain him (is it possible to train men?). Another guy said he was willing to trade spots with Kyle, noting that he was both house trained and preferred books to games. Some advised Alyse to get out and have fun while he played his video games. The most intriguing, if non serious response to the ad was the offer of trade, a blue bag of Skittles in exchange for Kyle.

Kyle days he knows he plays video games too much, needs to curtail it, and that his wife was only joking about selling him. Hmmmmm I wonder, if those two do actually divorce... would she be his "ex-box"?

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