Saturday, December 31, 2011

Seasonal Muslim Hate

This may be the holiday season, that time of love and peace and brotherhood, but in some Muslim circles it's just an opportunity to ratchet up the hate and violence against "infidels and non conforming Muslims. Here's a sample. Terror attacks across Nigeria by a radical Muslim sect killed at least 39 people, with the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic Church after celebrating Christmas Mass as blood pooled in dust from a massive explosion.

Then there is a little matter of portraying Christmas itself as an "evil" holiday. Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group launched a nationwide poster campaign in Britain denouncing Christmas as evil. Organizers put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and pedophilia. They say that they hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in the UK and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead. Santa should slap them all.

In Iran, where 12th century behavior is considered mainstream by Muslims there, authorities in Iran said they are again moving ahead with plans to execute a woman sentenced to death by stoning on an adultery conviction. Now that public outcry has been so loud about another stoning of a female (they have murdered six others by stoning since 2006) they are considering whether to carry out the punishment by hanging instead. Haha Only a fanatical Muslim could view hanging as punishment for adultery as a more fair punishment than blessing.

There's plenty more crazy, hateful holiday behavior in the Muslim world or by Muslims living in the non Muslims world. One prominent cleric announced on Christmas day at a Muslim web site that " Saying Merry Christmas is worse than fornicating, drinking alcohol or killing someone." You get the idea. The sad part of this is that many Muslims are as outraged by crazy Mullahs and government officials who murder in the name of a religion. Yet, few if any condemn ti or try to stop it in any ways. So the silence of mainstream Muslims makes non Muslims feel they also approve of the insanity perpetrated by the lunatic fringe of the Islam world. Gee, it may not be so hard to understand why so many non Muslims dislike Islam and react with their on hateful behavior toward the Muslim population.

Fact is, Muslims are integrated every society in the world. Acts of Christmas hate reflects that. Whether the lunatics will win out and stir mainstream Muslims to follow their lead or whether modernity and the non Muslim societies will make Muslims turn against the crazed Muslims factions remains to be seen.

Uh, I would wish you a late "Merry Christmas" but that idiotic cleric might accuse me of being a drunk, fornicating, murderer if I did.....

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