Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sexy Eyes Must Be Covered

Those crazy Muslim fundamentalists are at it again, this time in Saudi Arabia. It seems there is too much sex with the eyes in that dreary Islamic paradise, because the Saudi government says it is seriously considering ordering all those sexy eyed Saudi women to cover their eyes. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Isn't it always true that the longer and more official sounding a organization's name is, the more ridiculous is its function?) says that a lady's eyes are too seductive for the Saudi male to see.

This delusional policy emanates from the Ha'eal district in Saudi Arabia. Sheikh Motlab al-Nabet (those Sheikhs need a physical job to keep their minds occupied and off thoughts of sexy eyes), said in a newspaper account that his religion has the right to order women whose eyes seem "tempting" to shield them immediately. The mad sheikh is guy in charge of seeing that those Medieval Islamic laws are not broken in know, like stoning the person who commits sex outside of marriage, or flogging anyone who disagrees with his local sheik.

According to current Saudi law, the one that slaves everyone there but more women than men, can force women to wear a loose black dress and to cover their hair and, occasionally, their face. Punishment for violators can range from fines to public lashings. So if Mad Motlab says the ladies have to cover their seductive eyes, they must. Apparently, only female eyes are sexy in Saudi Arabia because the same policy does not apply to the men there.

They are serious about their idiocy too. In 2002, fro instance, the committee refused to allow female students out of a burning school in Mecca because they were not wearing correct head cover. Fifteen of the women died as a result. Religious fervor of that sort is to rational people...well... inhuman, if not Saudi religious. But keeping women in Islamic countries as pets,. toys, slaves. objects. anything but as equals, is the real intent of the sheikh mentality that consumes life there.

This type of extremism has absolutely nothing to do with God. Rather, it is proof that religion and believing in God are two different things. But that Saudi culture is the same one that values goats over women. Maybe the problem is not women having sexy ideas with their eyes, but that the men like the sheikh and his followers just have dirty minds. Uh, I better not ask if they make the sexy goats cover their eyes too.

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