Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding Observations

If there is one thing I hate more than royalty and weddings, it's a royal wedding. But you get a break. I'll spare you and make that a rant for another day. Instead, what I have noticed about the media infatuation with the "royal wedding" of Kate Middleton and that Prince William guy is something on the periphery that brings up a couple of other observations separate from the idea that the world would be interested in a marriage ceremony of two strangers in a distant land. Uh, bad news for you don't escape those other observations.

My first one is as to why the royal family refuses to use a last name. Maybe they think it separates them by status, that last names are for peasants. Well, we all know who they are because the media tells us every day. Maybe they don't need a last name. And I would not bow to a king or queen named Butch Schwartz or Bambie Tongoloia. Would you? I'll give them a pass on making their last names disappear.

If my memory serves me well, I think this British royal line choose 'Windsor" as the official royal family last name (though it is never uttered by any of them) because Prince Albert (the fellow who married Queen Victoria) was a member of the German House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and the descendants of Victoria and he were linked to that German dynasty. Oh good Englishman wants to be thought of as German. The solution was to change it to the more Brit sounding 'Windsor', which is what it still is now.

Are you confused yet? Well, how about this thought? Other first name only people of prominence are Prince, Bono, Beyonce, Twiggy, Pele and a cast of others. I challenge you to find a link between the royal family to those other first name only characters. I suppose this Kate Middleton lady will lose her last name after the marriage, just as that Diana Spencer woman did when she married that Charles guy. You remember, they only called her 'Princess Di' after the marriage and even after the divorce. The poor woman never got her name back. Maybe it was in the divorce decree to eliminate it?

My other observation surrounding that marriage is that news films and pictures of Kate seem to show she likes hats. I think she must sartorially, stylistically be a woman of the masses, because they wear a lot of hats in England. Even though I have ignored, no run away, from stories about the "royal wedding", given its utter vacuous value to society, when I read my newspaper or look at TV news I see many men and women in England wearing all sorts of interesting looking hats.

Americans don't wear hats anymore. After W.W. II the hat style fo wear disappeared as Americans embraced the sloppy shorts, T shirt and thong sandal code of dress. But the Brits still dress up often, and that includes hats. It must be true that cultures that dress more formally have more hats worn. I like to see it too and it'swhy we think that the British are an intelligent and well mannered population(uh.... when they don't go to soccer games).

I have a few hats myself, but no formal ones and no formal ones that I myself purchased. If I put on a hat, any kind of hat, I look even more hideous and repulsive than what I look like without one. But most people look more distinguished when wearing a formal style hat. I purchased only a couple of baseball style caps used to shade my head from the damaging rays of the sun when I am in it for a long stretch of time. I may have no brains, but I still want to keep them from being overexposed to the sun. But Kate Middleton looks great in her hats, and I think she must know that wearing nice hats will mark her as a legitimate member of the royal family. Don't send your baseball caps to Kate, because she doesn't need those kinds

I hope you will not waste your time thinking about my idiotic observations on the royal family name and the hat craze among Brits. There is no meaning or depth to my remarks. But if you do, I suggest you should be ashamed of sinking to my level, and you should go out and buy a big hat to conceal your identity so no one will recognize you thereafter. On that note, I tip my at you as I go.....

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