Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Privileges For Illegal Immigrants

When I read my newspaper today and saw the headline, 'Oregon Senate approves bill giving undocumented students in-state tuition', I almost fell on the floor. It's bad enough to call illegal immigrants "undocumented students", but to treat them as citizens is disgraceful and disrespectful to the legal residents here. Basically, it would allow illegal immigrant students living in Oregon to pay resident tuition at the state's public universities. The cost of tuition for an out of state resident (or in this case, an illegal immigrant resident) is three times higher than that of a person who legally resides in Oregon.

The sponsor of the bill( who lives in a district that is populated heavily with Hispanic voters and who can not win re election without Hispanic votes gave to same tired illogical reason for making legal Oregonians pay extra of illegal immigrants to use their colleges. He pronounced that children should not be "punished" for the actions of their parents. "We have in some cases invested $100,000 in their lives (for public schooling)," he said. "Why would we deny them the opportunity to attend our universities, improve their lives and give back to the state?"

How idiotic! First he admits that taxpayers take away from legal students the average $100,000 cost per illegal student schooling, and then give it to people who should not be in the U.S. The he falsely claims they are "denied the opportunity" to attend Oregon colleges. The illegal person should be denied that opportunity, but they are not.

The one politician brave enough (not in a Hispanic voting district) to oppose the bill said it best, "Unfortunately, children do pay for the sins of their parents," he said. "It is unfortunate, but it is reality. These educated kids can't work here." In stead of the "it's not my fault my parents broke the law and brought me here" irrational line we hear constantly, illegal immigrants should be told that they do not have the right to live where ever they wish. When mom and dad break the law by entering a country illegally, working illegally, not paying taxes and more, they, as juveniles, also have broken the law. Being a victim of irresponsible/criminal parents does not confer the right to citizenship or the privileges of citizenship.

If for, example, a parent burglarized a home and stole toys that he then gave to his or her children, would that mean the child could keep the toys after the parents was apprehended? According to the mentality of those who want to grant privileges to the children of illegal immigrants kids should be rewarded when their parents commit illegal acts....and at the expense of legal residents who must pay for those privileges.

The federal government generally purposefully leave undocumented students alone unless they get involved with crime. They pretend illegal immigrants are not here and do not allow state governments to regulate them because the U.S constitution makes immigration policy enforcement a strictly federal affair. States also pretend illegal immigrants have aright to be in the country illegally. When for example, schools ask illegal immigrants to produce a birth certificate at school registration the answer is always "I lost it". And the reply of the states is to accept that answer, enroll the illegal child in school, further overburdening taxpayers who must pay that $100, 000 average per pupil cost. The illegal immigrant family is never again asked to produce a birth certificate.

The reckless disregard for the rule of law by the Oregon legislators (and practically every other state's politicians) and the use of tax dollars to support illegal immigrants should be an outrage to legal residents of the state . There is no justification for giving taxpayer benefits to anyone who has entered and lives this in this state illegally. But then, reason was lost to political correctness long ago. I think we in the U.S. have been invaded by illegals with the help of those whose responsibility it is to represent legal residents and enforce the laws designed to protect us.

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