Friday, April 29, 2011

Doomsday Again

Another Earth Day has passed, and it was uneventful as it probably should be in this age of alarmist environmentalism. This global warmed, green mentality is going to yet kill me. At least something will come to an But it won't be from any of the environmental doomsday scenarios we read . My blood pressure will rise at the latest foolish environmental doomsday idea, and I'll just keel over to become part of the earth again. See, I really am an environmentalist.

In conjunction with Earth Day those wacky scientists who love to paint dreary pictures based on maybe, might and could be opinions rather than the scientific method, have a new doomsday scenario for this year. They announced that world as we know it is likely to end within 90 years, and human civilization has only a 50 percent chance of surviving until 2100 without being hit by a man made catastrophe, according to two of the world's most respected scientists. That is from one (and only one) prominent scientist
Martin Ree who made the prediction during a debate at the Edinburgh International Science Festival. Don't ask me how he determined it to be 90 years as opposed to 89 or any other figure. Maybe he spun a wheel from the county fair and it landed on 90.

Another scientist at the festival said that beyond the tangible threat of a terrorist nuclear attack on a major city, climate change and overpopulation are the world's leading man made perils, and they will kill us all. But wait! We have more ways to "maybe" be destroyed. Astronomer Royal for Scotland, John Brown, cautioned that the planet is somewhat overdue for an asteroid impact.(Hollywood has already done it more times than nature) Hmmm I wonder if the asteroid will land on me before I am made toast by this global warming thing.

Brown also said that instead of dying by way of asteroids we might just become globally uncomfortable as electromagnetic solar storms that could fry electronics in orbit and on the ground cripple all those awful electronic devices humans are mindlessly addicted to. I just wish they would settle on one death fantasy for us. Even a condemned prisoner is executed only one way.

Thing is, all of this is conjecture and opinion, not conclusions based on the use of the scientific method. Since the beginning of mankind's ability to understand the universe its scientists have predicted extinction and always been wrong about it. But they continue to play the end of the earth guessing game because it's so much fun to read your predictions in journals and the media, and it's a break from real scientific research that can be boring.

We have many mechanisms in place that could spell our demise and always have had them. But to predict one of them with guesses is foolishness fueled by media coverage that can stroke the ego of the scientists who declare them. Sadly, the public believes them as "science" and anything that is stated as "environmental news" is accepted as truth. It's enough to make us all kill ourselves and rob the doomsday event of the pleasure.

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