Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Who To Sue

While reading about the huge number of doctors being sued today I had a thought to present to you. That is, why aren't more lawyers being sued? That's right, lawyers. I wonder if more than a handful of lawyers ever get sued. You surely don't hear of it. The American Bar Association, that lobby organization of lawyers that has so much influence on so much of life in the U.S., keeps statistics as to the number of doctors, teachers, business people and more that involve those professions. But they don't even collect data on the number of lawyers that are sued.

It might be hard to sue a lawyer. What other lawyer would litigate a case where a colleague is being sued? Pigs stay in the slop together. This might also explain why malpractice insurance for doctors is so expensive (on average, for heart surgeons premiums are about $250,000 per year) and why lawyers seem not to even have it.Lawyers advocate suing your doctor, but they never utter a word about suing the lawyer who led you down the wrong path. An attorney is liable for any loss a client sustains that is caused by lack of skill ordinarily possessed by the legal profession. Seems to me many lawyers make mistakes.

But they are not being help accountable for those errors. If the attorney represents a client on a matter in an area of law in which the attorney lacks experience, the attorney may be committing malpractice. I see many TV commercials of lawyers claiming to "do it all". Yet, how can a lawyer master all aspects of litigation.

Hmmm But making it hard to sue a lawyer is that fact that each state's rules about suing one have been written into law by, guessed it..lawyers. As a result, it is very hard to sue a lawyer. To protect themselves those laws almost always a have a shorter frame time provision for which person can sue a lawyer. Shakespeare said you must "first shoot the lawyers' to have a just society. Well, maybe we should simply sue them more often as a non violent lesson in restraint.

If you don't like my idea for controlling the litigious habits of lawyers, you can just sue me

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