Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hail To The Queen

I just read the latest figures on the cost of having a queen to each British citizen. It's surprisingly low at less than one dollar a year per citizen to pay for the expenses, housing salary etc. of the queen. I like the English tradition of having a queen (or king one day). Where can I donate a dollar as an American to help trade Obama for a queen? Does anyone know what it costs to have a President, Vice President, former Presidents, etc. out of our "public purse?" My guess is that's it's allot more than a dollar a year per person.

Getting rid of the president and the bureaucracy, replacing them with a king or queen and letting the scoundrels in Congress make policy won't change a thing about what the U.S. does at home and abroad. Too, when things go wrong we will all know it will be Congresses fault and scream profanities at Congress because of it. They will be put on the spot to do better, and our king or queen can cut ribbons and of the other public relations work the president normally does.

When this country started, after breaking away from England and King George II at the end of the 18th century, Alexander Hamilton floated the idea of having a king instead of a president. It was almost accepted before being narrowly voted down. Haha Instead of a king we got George Bush and Barrack Obama. I am not sure what those two are.

I am not sure which we should choose first, a king or queen. Queens seem to work well in Britain. So I suggest we pick a queen and boot Obama as soon as possible (before he spends what little money the U.S has left). Hmmmm But who is the best choice? It can't be a politician because we don't need another of those. Maybe someone who is a celebrity would work best. After all, the queen will be a symbol and will perform at events not actually make or execute policy.

As a male I think Meghan Fox might work well. She does have big boobs and that will make all the men interested. But "Queen Meghan" just doesn't sound royal enough. Maybe Lindsay Lohan would be entertaining enough for Queendom? Nah, she would drink too much at the receptions. What about Oprah Winfrey! She seems to be very popular, is fabulously wealthy and would not need to be paid, and she is a politically correct choice because she is a minority member. "Queen Oprah" is a great title too.

It can't hurt to try this approach, given the ineptness of Obama these days. What do you think?

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