Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Freeze Those Eggs

I think the women of the world have caught on to the fact that we men are less than a prize. I say this for many reasons but one indirect one involves having babies with us. The trend is for women to not make babies with the bad boys, the irresponsible ones, the momma's boys drug and alcohol induced men, men who love boast and golf more than children, cheating men...and on and on. Hmmmm That includes most of us. Evidence of this trend comes from a study in Belgium.

A study of women at a Belgian clinic found half of women age 30 and above wanted to freeze their eggs to take the pressure off finding a partner. A third were also having eggs frozen as an "insurance policy" against infertility. In another similar "I don't need those male pig "studies just out, Many younger female students also say they are considering freezing eggs for later use (if a "real" man finally shows up) the procedure to focus on a career before motherhood. That would be a "career" as in job career, not the usually career women take in being baby sitter to their little boy husbands.

The study of those students showed eight in 10 doing a medical degree would freeze their eggs to delay starting a family. Among sports and education students half said they would consider it. Why so now? It is because egg freezing is still a relatively new technology which enables a woman to save eggs for future use. The chance of success is better with younger, healthier eggs, yet most women currently choosing the procedure are in their late 30s and opting for egg freezing as a "last resort". I think they probably have been so disillusioned by males they have met and loved that they freeze in fear of not finding a suitable mate/father of their children. Right now, costs for freezing are moderate and expected to go down.

The Belgian study that I mentioned above was described at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference, Dr Julie Nekkebroeck, who carried out the study, said the ladies also that more than 1/4 of them wanted to give their relationship a chance to blossom before bringing up the subject of having a baby. They had not fulfilled their desire to have a child because they thought that they had not found the right man. Also, some indicated career reasons and financial stability as the most common reason for considering egg collection.
My questions is, "What is the suitable mate for a woman who wants to have a baby"? (Feel free to list the characteristics needed) And I wonder what male attitudes are about being a dad.

Believe it or not, we men eliminate many woman's potential wives because of many of the same reasons the ladies think we are so awful. Even though we have no eggs to freeze, someone should study male attitudes about choosing mates. It might be eye opening for females who never consider the idea that we are as concerned about finding a good mom for our children as they are about our fitness as dads.

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