Thursday, July 22, 2010

Iman Muda

Just when I thought reality TV had sunk to its lowest possible level news comes of a new reality TV show in Malaysia, that..hold on to your hat.. is hoping to find an "Imam Idol". Yep! The winner of what the producers call 'Iman Muda' (young Iman) becomes a full fledged Iman. Let's hope the winner can preach better than those American idols can sing.

Contestants on the show, 10 in all that have been preselected for the show, are given a variety of tasks and an Islamic scholar chooses who goes through to the next round. They are tested on things such as islamic knowledge, delivering a prayer service and even a prepare the dead sequence. But only a couple of Imans can chose the winner. No viewers are allowed to vote, in keeping with the dictatorial nature of Islam that says only the Iman knows best.

The producers of the show hope the format will appeal to Malaysia's young Muslims and make the mosque crowds bigger. Hmnm I wonder if trivializing religion this way will make the Mosques rock or if it will bring down Islam to a level of well....reality TV. As hard as islam fights modernization and secularization it seems odd to put itself on display in a reality TV format. But then, culture have been dumbed down already, everywhere.

Since Muslims now have their own reality TV show I have my usual stupid suggestions for other versions, the religious reality TV shows of the future. How about these ideas?
* Pick Your Pedophile- This would fit the Catholic Church well. A group of suspected child molesting priests could compete to chose their favorite altar boy and win him as a prize. I think this one should be shown on the pay per view porno cable tier.
* Give Me Your Money- Evangelical preachers could compete to see which ones can fleece the most people of the most money, and then use it for personal vacation homes, cars, and buying hot chicks while cruising in their favorite brothels.
* Circumcision Circus- The Jewish crowd would love this one, as prospective rabbis race to see which can circumcise the most screaming babies in the shortest amount of time. The winner gets free use of a condo in Miami and a set of ginzu knives
* Mormon Bike Racing- Finally, all those guys dressed in white T shorts and black pants with Mormon Bibles hanging at the side, will get to do more than knock on neighborhood doors and try to convert Mormons. They will compete in a Tour D France style bike race to see which can deliver the mysterious, non rational basis of Mormon theology fastest to the most squirming listeners.
* Bet Buddha- Bet Buddha gives viewers the chance to pick out the hidden lady boy among the 5 candidates for Buddha priest. This one will be a hit for those Buddhists who like to see their preacher decked out in in the finest Lady Gaga outfits while preaching at the pulpit.
I think that's a good enough start on programming.

Uh, I supposed I have offended enough religions for one day

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