Monday, May 3, 2010


Have you ever worn a uniform? In my case I did it only when I was in the navy long ago. I don't like uniforms and think that in most cases the world fits in one of two categories, those who like them and those who have no use for them. There is little middle ground on this subject. Ask someone if they like a certain personality and you'll get the same kind of divergence of opinion, yet a strong one. Too liking or not liking uniforms is not a measure of the person's worth or ethics.. But people who like them are different from those who do not.

I notice many kids wearing uniforms here in New Orleans, but far fewer in Portland wear them. It's probably because Portland is more liberal than New Orleans. Liberal types don't like the conformity aspect of uniforms. New Orleans also has many Catholic schools. Catholic schools love uniforms because they give the student more of a feeling of community rather than of individuality. Better to have little Johnny identify with the group and all its rules than to think apart from it. It makes keeping order and easier. Just look at any dictatorship and you'll find plenty of people in uniform.

There are plenty of organizations besides the military that like the uniform as required dress. The police wear them and waiters are in a kind of uniform in a restaurant, athletes on sports teams wear them so the referees don't get confused. That makes sense because it reminds them of the expectations that come when wearing that uniform. But why do businesses make their employees wear uniforms? Do you really think the plumber in a uniform that says "Potty Patrol" (or whatever the business is called) will unstop your sink better than one that is un uniformed?

Those examples are of formal uniforms. But there are also informal ones too. Any outfit people wear that is the same with which they are identified is a uniform. That means gang members like the Hell's Angels are uniformed. they all have motor bikes and the same grimy clothes. That helps them identify with the organization, just like the Mafiosi who wear those plain but expensive looking black suits. ( Don't tell the Mafia I am writing about them...they carry guns inside those suit jackets).

It may be a stretch to say but age groups also informally wear uniforms. The teens wear their heavy metal shirts, jeans and converse tennis shoes. The oldies wear their elastic stretch pants (If you wear that I don't need to see your picture in that uniform!). There is a soccer mom uniform, a yuppie uniform, the rock star uniform, and many others. All of those people bond with each other better by dressing alike.

Humans also change their personalities when in uniform. We tend to adapt the expected role the uniform implies or demands we project, and brush aside our own individualism. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation for which the uniform is required. I think those who like to wear uniforms and those that don't can be categorized by behavior. The ones who like them also like patriotic events, don't ever want to see anyone bend the rules, tend to dislike rapid social or political changes. The anti uniform crowd tends to be uninterested in rituals or even politics, less self disciplined, more self oriented, and willing and adaptable to change.

I should try to find my old navy uniform to put on to verify all my rhetoric today, but I am too fat now to fit anyway.

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