Monday, May 3, 2010

Minority And Majority

What a reaction by Hispanics and some others to the decision that in Arizona police can start asking people to prove they are citizens rather than being illegal immigrants. The cries about minority rights and profiling seem to me more of a mask to hide the illegal immigrant population, not a real complaint of discrimination. If 98% of illegal immigrants are Hispanics who come in largely through your state (Arizona), how is trying to enforce the law against illegal immigration profiling or discriminatory? Just the opposite, not enforcing immigration rules puts everyone, not only the majority, at risk.

The cry of a minority that he or she is being discriminated can be enriching to the complainant, who almost always gets his way given the majority does not want ot make itself to be a discriminator. But crying wolf for personal gain hurts minorities as a whole when they do have a real complaint about a real injustice because the majority might stop taking those complaints seriously, even when real.

I pity the majority a little. It's the great majority in America that is unorganized and does not protect itself, as in the case of the Hispanic protest in Arizona. The majority race, party, culture the one that is now most defamed, taxed too much, joked about, portrayed as racist or insensitive by its own mediums, discriminated by affirmative action and quota systems, and expected to do more for the minority than the minority does for it.

When a member of the majority is discriminated against there is little recourse. There is no action group or party that will listen to the complaint because being a member of the majority party is supposed to itself be protection against discrimination. It is not. I effect, most members of the majority are afraid to complain about a minority action because it knows to do so will bring even more minority complaint.

American used to be a diverse nation, and that was a great strength. Now it is divided into a growing number factions that only represent themselves and spend most of the time portraying themselves as victims of the majority group. I can't begin to name the factions but for starters how about these: Hispanic, Gay, Italian American, black, white, Jewish, feminist, single moms, elderly.....and on and on. The one commonality of them all is that they are almost exclusively concerned with their own members and see all others as antagonistic toward them.

Maybe if we stopped defining ourselves as different we might one day discover the truth that we are all too much the same to make the arbitrary differences we hold to so fast.

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