Sunday, May 16, 2010

Safe And Unsafe Lists

In this politically correct world one quickly learns who to praise and who to criticize, who to condemn and who to excuse, who to give to and who to take from and more... There is an order of perception in society today which reverses the older ones but which are equally unfair to all. I think the political correctness that started in Western Europe, spread to the U.S and the rest of the west, has now entrenched itself everywhere to the point that it matters greatly what race you are, what religion you hold, the brand of your economic status, which sex you are a member of and endless more pre defined "realities" of today.

But I wont speak about the world's political correctness sickness. Instead. I have an observation about one aspect of the unfairness that is all about us and which threatens both equal treatment and reasonableness. It is the "safe list" and "unsafe list" of persons and issues who we are told not to criticize on the first hand and on the other hand what who we are encouraged to kick as hard as possible. here is my short safe and unsafe list, about which you can agree or disagree.

SAFE LIST (Never utter any criticism or be condemned as racist or worse)
UNSAFE LIST ( Feel free to trash these people and things)
Green activists-S
George Bush-U
Gays and lesbians-S
Right-wing Christians-U
Global Warming proponents-S
Global Warming Deniers-U
The poor-S
The wealthy-U
Hispanics in the country illegally-S
Muslims in the country illegally-U
Affirmative action plans-S
Self reliance-U
Caucasians, particularly white males-U
Taxation to pay for entitlements-U
Those who receive entitlements and don't work-S
Those who work and pay for them-U
Irresponsible patients-U
Bad parents-S
Bad kids-U
The voters who elect the government-S
The government they voters elect-U
Minority profiling preferences in aid, scholarships etc.-S
Minority profiling by police-U
Small businesses-S
Big Business-U
Students and their parents-S
Diversity policies-S
Reward based on merit-U

There you have a few I either see or imagine. Any comments about the list, or any additions or subtractions to offer???

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