Monday, May 3, 2010

Arizona Illegal Immigration Challenge

I think what I write today isn't politically correct, but that only makes it more valuable to relate. I stand and applaud the state of Arizona today. Arizona has finally had enough of the endless stream of illegal immigrants pouring across the border from Mexico. The Arizona state legislature, fed up with the U.S. government's unwillingness to stop the illegal immigration invasion, has passed an unprecedented immigration law. The law, which will take effect in 90 days, will make it a state crime to be in the country illegally. It requires anyone asked to produce papers verifying their status when asked to do so by a police office.

This could mean that in Arizona there will no longer be of illegals occupying U.S. soil illegally, creating economic stress for the state, committing crimes and milking the system. The Governor of Arizona put it succinctly when signing the measure into law. "We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act. But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation."Since the early 1960's the United States government has refused to enforce immigration laws pertaining to Hispanic illegals who have settled in the U.S. at a rate of over a million per year.

As as result, Arizona, California and several other states are going broke supporting the illegals who are here and who continue to come. By passing a state law allowing state police to question and apprehend illegals (though the U.S. government must be the entity to legally deport them) Arizona has in effect thrown down the challenge to the federal government to do the same. I doubt the U.S. government will approve of Arizona's attempt, but at least it helps force Congress and the Obama administration to deal with the huge problem of illegal immigrations.

Obama today called the Arizona law a "misguided" action and asked Congress to "take action on immigration immediately" (make the illegals legal and continue to keep the borders open for more to cross). In fairness, the federal government has apprehended some the worst elements of the illegals and deported them. But the word has long been out that Mexicans are free to come and go in the U.S., to reap financial benefits and to not fear being apprehended and deported unless caught committing crimes.

No doubt this law is more a symbolic one and intended to force the federal government to make more effort to uphold the immigration laws it has passed. Too, the poor quality of immigrants continues to flow in, with more being illiterate peasants who lack skills and the ability to support themselves once here. This surge of illegals has overwhelmed the various states where they have most settled and caused the federal government to severely limit the quotas of the highly educated immigrants the U.S. needs. In effect, opening the border to the less desirable element has caused a closing of the channel with which educated/skilled immigrants used to flow. Arizonians and many Americans believe it is time to uphold immigration laws, to stop favoring the large Hispanic lobby and to force the U. S. government to show it's true immigration face.

No doubt Obama and Congress will win this skirmish, but it should be a fun battle to watch.

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