Monday, May 3, 2010


I read today that China is worried about...hold on to your seat..underpopulation! Yes, I wrote "under" not "over". Is that something to be worried about in a country and world with too many people already? I think not. The theme of the Chines government's worry is that the one child per couple strategy instituted decades ago is so successful that as this generation and the next one in China retires there will not be enough replacement workers to pay for the retired ones. So the concern is purely economic. I find that sad. The one case of population control that worked is now seen as a bad thing.

Finally, one nation finds away to control out of control population with all the stresses it puts on the earth's resources, and instead of rejoicing at the statistical prediction that if the one child program continues China's too big population will be cut in half by the end of the 21st century the Chinese government wants to now encourage Chinese couples to have more babies. But they have already learned from the one child policy that more children means less in material comfort for each family member. The idea that fewer kids is best has sunk in. We need more of that mentality.

The World Clock I am looking at now says the population of the world is now 6,817,078,798. Every second the population grows by 4 humans. It took all of human history until 1800 for the world population to reach a mere 1 billion people. Now the world adds a new billion every 11 years. And the global warming fraud says the earth is in peril because we emit too much carbon??? If the earth is in trouble it's because there are too many humans here using resources too fast.

It's unlikely the earth will be destroyed by temperature rises (a natural fluctuation not caused by humans) but possible life can not continue unless the earth deals with overpopulation. Already, in many parts of the world human water use exceeds replenishment.Convincing people that growth for growth's sake simply can't keep working is a task that should be undertaken. The earth has already gone past the point where adding more people benefits even economically.

The chart below shows past world population data back to the year one and future world population projections through the year 2050.
Year Population
1 200 million
1000 275 million
1500 450 million
1650 500 million
1750 700 million
1804 1 billion
1850 1.2 billion
1900 1.6 billion
1927 2 billion
1950 2.55 billion
1955 2.8 billion
1960 3 billion
1965 3.3 billion
1970 3.7 billion
1975 4 billion
1980 4.5 billion
1985 4.85 billion
1990 5.3 billion
1995 5.7 billion
1999 6 billion
2006 6.5 billion
2009 6.8 billion
2011 7 billion
2025 8 billion
2050 9.4 billion

The chart is the definition of out of control. Too many people not only threatens all of humanity with survival, it's destructive to having a good quality of life. Bigger isn't always better. We already have too much bigness...too many people, too many cars, too many houses, too many governments to administer and encourage the bigness.How about a one child per couple program for the rest of the world?

Hmmmmmmmmmm The motto could be "Just Don't Do It" .

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