Thursday, May 27, 2010

Educational Reform

There is another one of those educational reforms happening in the state legislature here in order to "produce better teachers". It looks like it will become law. Basically, it says teachers will be evaluated by how well their students do on "test scores". Sigh, test score mania is one of the problems of education today. On my view, getting rid of those tests would be a huge boom to better educating kids. But politicians love to use test scores to gain support.

Let's many times have the politicians "reformed" education by making teachers seem to be incompetent boobs? Let me count the ways. But I can't count that high (Yes, I was educated in Louisiana, so I should blame the teachers for my counting deficiency).

Just what we don't need here in Louisiana, or anywhere for that matter, the politicians are going to attack teachers again so the kids won't be so stupid. It does not follow, but to a politician that is seeking re election it makes sense. There are plenty of votes to be gained from parents who wonder why their little darling is so stupid and think that little Johnny will become Einstein if teachers would be punished and held to idiotic standards .

I say reform the parents, not the stupid kids they produce. If you want smarter kids make the parents smarter, because the parent is the biggest single factor in the lives of children that will determine if junior is bright and informed or just another illiterate fan of reality TV. Surely, there are many factors in modern society that contribute to the dumbed down schools we see not only in this country, but in most others as well. The lack of an educated populace is a great modern societal problem driven by endless factors that I won't rant about now (you should thank me for that). But I will say that poor teaching is a minor factor in producing the modern industrial dolt, and that teachers haven't gone bad in the past 50 years. But bad or loose parenting is the biggest factor of all.

Hmmmm How could we make modern parents better able to guide their children's intellectual development? Besides working, parents also have time to rot their own brains with TV and other frivolities that deaden their own brains. They surely don't want to give up any free time to their kids. I think we have to reward those neglectful parents in order to prod them to take their child's brain as an important part of the child himself. Perhaps we should send the parents to school too.

Why not? The Obama administration wastes tax money on cash for clunkers, appliances and other consumer freebies. How about setting aside tax money for the parents of the kids who are the lowest achievers (Uh, the dumbest ones)? If my tax money is to be used for others, better to educate them than to buy them a free washing machine.

I wonder how many of the parents of dumb kids would accept cash bonuses and free tuition to attend night classes to educate themselves on not only being better stewards of their kids' education, but also to enroll themselves in local night university classes to expand their own intellectual world? I think a lot would go for it. Waving cash in front of them would be like waving a donut at a police officer as a bribe. It's a seduction made in heaven.

We could take the $8000 Obama gave per people to buy a new car, and instead, give it to colleges to educate parents. There is a big correlation between the educational level of a parent and that of his or her child. Mom and dad can do homework right along side their brain impaired children. Haha It could be inspiring to junior. Why...the little one might even put down his or her electronic gadgets long enough each day to open a book

But this fantasy is too good to be true. Better for the politicians to keep society dumb and malleable. It's easier to get reelected that way.

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