Monday, January 26, 2009

Sleeping at Work

How was your day? Feel sleepy while there in bleary-eyed heaven? I can honestly say that never fell asleep while at work. One year though, I remember a fellow teacher who did just that. He played music in a band at night and often slept few hours before starting his teaching day. One day the man decided to show a short film pertinent to his lesson.
You guessed it. He turned out the lights and the projector on, but soon after fell sound asleep. His students heard the snoring and decided, since the period was nearly over, to let him sleep on. As the bell ending the class sounded, they quietly exited the class with the sleeping teacher snoring happily. Next period's class awakened him, but the story never did "go to sleep". It followed him for years until his retirement. But apparently dozing off isn't as uncommon as one would imagine.
A survey was conducted by the European Internet site 'Jobline' that showed sleeping on the job may be a frequent occurrence (You are not permitted to nap while reading my E mail). The poll was carried out between March 29th and April 13th and received responses fro some 21,500 people in 14 European countries. Here are some of the results. 1) One out of every four Europeans has fallen asleep in the workplace. (I wonder if this explains the inefficiency of production in Europe the past 25 years or so) 2)
Most of the sleepers most often dozed off at their desks, second most often in meetings and lastly in the toilet (the male sanctuary!) 3) Another 39% said that, although they did not fall asleep at work, they had to make an extra effort to stay awake. 4) The Irish workers are the sleepiest. 40% of them fell asleep at work. The Dutch, with only 20% sleeping at work, were the most awake.
According to the study author's web site, "Long workdays, routine tasks, meetings that drag on, and staring into a computer monitor are prompting workers around Europe to fall asleep at their workplace." That's an intere... Hey! Are you asleep out there? I sense snoring. Maybe I should conduct a poll of what percentage of my E mails put the recipients to sleep.
When you wake up you can give me your vote. So much for sleepy workers and E mail workers.

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