Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama As God

Are you paying attention to what went on in the months before and at the Obama inauguration? In the U.S. (and to almost the same extent in Europe) we have announced that God is Dead! Long live the new God- Barack Obama.
In this age of blurred reality, distracting technology, trendiness and more, it has occurred to me after months of feel good Obama news stories and TV reports, drunken hopefulness, and the disgrace and banishment of George Bush that perhaps there really isn't anything Barack Obama can't do.
And maybe even better than the old God people here used to worship.In a few short months he has gone from mere mortal-unknown to deity who inspires every breathing carcass (even the birds sing better when near him, I am told) all across this country.
He's become an international rock star, the twin of Abraham Lincoln, the fulfillment of Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of freedom, the ideal of what a human should look and cat like in this new age, a gifted orator with the charisma of JFK, the intellect of Einstein and the coolness of your favorite Hollywood celebrity.
It is said that he is the most loving and involved father on the planet, the husband every woman dreams of, he wears skinny suits and can sink three-pointers shots when playing on the court against Lebron James. He is already on his way to fixing the Bush economy, solving the crisis in the Mid east, defeating terrorism by the simple force of his God-like charm, achieving world peace.
Yep...Barack Obama is not only the greatest man to ever walk this earth, he may be our new God. But how did we come to this time when we are blessed to kneel to God Obama. Why are we suddenly so enlightened to see the new messiah? It might be the mindlessness of this age in history that accounts for such simpleton views (I think it not inaccurate to label the 200's the Know Nothing Age), or perhaps the Bush effect....those awful destructive Bush years have made even atheists long for Obama God to put us back together again.
Then too, people stopped thinking for themselves about the time cell phones and other mind numbing technology allowed them to stop using their craniums. It doesn't take much effort to convince people that there is pie in the sky and too much co2 in the atmosphere these days. They just nod assent and get back to connecting with their cell phones.But eventually God Obama must deliver the goods.
I think that soon Obama's idealistic and enthusiastic admirers and supporters will began to feel disenchanted, disillusioned and betrayed as he morphs back into a human being by adopting policies all presidents must make, those that are more to the center of U.S. politics and less fell good campaign rhetoric.There is a problem for Obama with his becoming human again. First, he promised the flock that he was to the Messiah of a new kind of politics, a conviction politician with a strong moral compass that would guide his politics. Sadly, too many of the flock don't understand the difference between campaign promises and reality.
If Obama is smart, and I believe he is not only smart but the best option for the U.S. now, he will re humanize himself rapidly, and deny his holiness before his opponents do it for him. Either way, it should be fun to watch.

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