Monday, January 26, 2009

Gay TV

I noted an interesting change happening in my city, and I assume elsewhere in the U.S. It is the opening of doors socially for gay and lesbian people. I saw a marriage announcement in my paper yesterday that was surprising, as it was a first.
The announcement (some impending marriages are announced in the newspaper with pictures and a description of the couple) showed two local bearded men and gave a description of their recent marriage in Toronto, Canada (gay marriage is illegal in my state).
That quite a bold move by the newspaper, to recognize a gay marriage when the state itself doesn't. But I think it is long overdue. The day before I was watching local TV news when a commercial came on advertising a "Gay Channel" just starting on our local cable TV system. It's a first for that too. Now gay people can have their own special interest channel (it is a pay per subscription channel). I think that good too. Society is becoming more tolerant when such things are allowed. I did not see the free preview of that channel that ran this past weekend, so I can't comment on the quality of the programming. regardless of the quality there are enough homosexuals to support it well.
I think the crazy minister protestors will emerge to try to kill Gay Tv, as soon as it becomes more widespread. The rednecks may also notice, and I think will probably secretely watch some of gay Tv. It's always true that those who hate the most, also ove what they hate.
Maybe the best way for Gay TV backers to handle those ministers and rednecks is to blow them a big wet kiss.

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