Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Olympic Judging

The U.S. Olympic Committee sent me another request for a donation today. I guess the winter games are near. But it occurred to me that if they wanted more donations they should first clean up the competition. The worst is Ice skating and the summer games bell weather-gymnastics.
So I have three observations about my last favorite Olympic sport, Gymnastics. I did manage to sit through some of the Olympic men and women gymnastics event and as usual, found it a bizarre and too much to take. I had to turn it off. Having said that, here are a few questions you might answer for me, to help me understand that strange event.
1) Is the judging ever fair? And how can such a subjective exercise be judged at al. Shouldn't that sport be an un scored exhibition? To assign a score to gymnastic routines is like collecting the world's greatest artists and having them sit down to draw one picture "best picture" wins. Haha 2) Is the gymnastics champ predetermined? I see every Olympics that two or three teams are preordained to win the medals, even when one or more performs more poorly than the other teams competing. There is a "star system" that sets more forgiving standards for the stars and favored teams. No matter what they do, they will "win" the competition.
3) What is all this hugging between the female gymnasts and their teammates and coaches. After every gymnast does her routine ( it's the same with every nation) she is mugged with an individual hug from everyone on the sideline. No matter if the gymnast did poorly or well, there is an obligatory (the gymnasts look pained when being groped) hug from everyone. Just once I would love to see one of them slug the hugger with a knockout punch. The competitors are tired and focusing on their performance. They do not need those hugs.
Some traditions make no sense.

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