Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Inauguration Circus

I am sure, like most Americans and many foreigners, you saw news or perhaps watched some of the U.S. presidential inauguration.
Though I voted for Obama and think he has the chance to do clean up the poo that George Bush dumped on this country. I had enough of that swearing in ceremony long before it took place. In fact, I have lost interest in the show and want to see the substance (the new policies that must be implemented in order to save this country from further decline).
There is so much hype about Obama that the inauguration went form being a swearing in to a coronation of a king to a deification of a God. Across the country, people gathered in schools, arenas, bars, workplaces and homes to witness the historic day. Emotions spilled over as they wept, cheered and prayed. The estimated crowd of more than 2 million that watched live is astounding.
Though such interest here (and it was almost as big an event for many non U.S. residents too..Hehe No doubt they are more relieved to get rid of Bush than to support Obama). But it bothers me that so many people wear blinders about Obama. Surely that a mixed race candidate won here is great news that shows how open and diverse the U.S. and how quickly we can change when many other systems move so slowly.
It is very unlikely in almost any other nation today that an outsider like Obama could win an election for the presidency of a nation, particularly when the majority who voted for him is so unlike him in background..But Obama is human. He has faults and has a very big job ahead of him. Making him God-like does not help him to do the unpleasant things that so many who voted for him won't like, but that are necessary to rebuild the Bush damaged country.
To his credit, Obama has been trying to play down the unrealistic expectations so many have for him, the result of the eight year nightmare we have gone through under the Bush administration's inept, dishonest and arrogant policies. But try as he did there is way too much expectation for the new president.
I have hope and faith in Obama's ability, judgment, intent and views. But I surely am not on bent knee to him waiting for him to toss the U S a ten commandment tablet. The array of commercial icons about Obama, even before he was sworn in is astounding. How about the T shirts and mugs that display all things Barack Obama, the apparel, action figures and a jack-in-the-box with the new president popping out with a big smile. Or maybe you want one of those the 22-karat-gold-trimmed Obama "Victory Plates".
You can admire it as you smoke an Obama cigar you can smoke as look at what The Washington Post is offering.... tote bags, Obama perfume, Obama candy, clothing and a coffee mug with images of its day-after-election front page; prices range from $10 to $43. Not to be outdone, The New York Times has even more items for sale and at New York prices. Photographs of Obama go for $200.
All of this and the rest surely reflects the adulation the American media has shown toward Obama instead of the expected objective journalism they have forgotten. Go to Yu Tube and you can find almost 50 songs written about Obama.Some Obama products can be personalized with your own name. The Web site DemocraticStuff.com, is one of many such sites that sell personalized buttons, banners and rally signs. Some Obama products can be personalized with your own name. For sale also for the racists out there is an Obama monkey puppet, something for even those who hate Obama.
I wish Obama well and support him even to the extent that I expect to suffer a bit under the policies we need to get the country back on track. I wonder if all those idolaters feel the same. Or do they expect heavenly gifts to be handed to them by the Obama administration? Are they excited for the right reasons or because of a deluded vision that Barack Obama is the new messiah.

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