Saturday, January 31, 2009


Is cheating more common today than was so in previous generations? You illegally downloading that song you like, or copying from a source without giving attribution when doing a research paper, fudging on your business expenses or taking those ink pens from the office or school.
Those are little, even insignificant things but they do constitute what has traditionally been called "cheating"? According to an article I read (ok, I better give attribution to the author..he is Dr. Morgan Griffin) many experts believe that cheating has become more common and even more accepted in recent years.
So if it is true that people cheat more today, why? And hat harm does it cause to society? Some people today cheat to become famous. Take those Olympic athletes who pump themselves with drugs to win that gold medal. Surely, the pressure to win is much higher today, give the instant communications of the age that can identify people as "celebrities" so quickly.
The Paris Hilton phenomenon is one example of this. But there is the bigger reason for cheating, not the "I want celebrity status" cheater, but rather the person who cheats just to get by. You know, as in the student who cheats to get by rather than to be an honor student. In a world that emphasizes material goods and money, and also instills a fear of financial failure, the "I must cheat to get by" attitude is more prevalent today.
Societies that place a great emphasis on become rich while having few avenues to achieve wealth are also societies with more cheaters. A third reason for an increase in cheating is the "Everyone is doing it" mode. When a person thinks that many others are cheating he tends to cheat more himself because he believes he will fall behind if he does not. How does cheating affect us?
It is like acid, eating away at the society because all societies are based on members accepting and obeying the rules. In the same sense that Rome is alleged to have fallen because of moral decay, cheating breaks down individuals and the entire society. It may be a contagious phenomenon.
Further, it forces us to become liars, to lie to ourselves that we have to cheat to get by. The article I read suggests that we put less stress on ourselves (and parents on their children) to achieve individual milestones, to relax more and obsess less. the way..can you believe that I have never, ever cheated in anything? but I an not going to write about liars today.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I Just Wanted Info

Time for my latest technology rant....or better said, "the abuse of technology". What I write of now is the business office telephone message. You know the one. it's the message that gives along and useless introduction or a rehashing about business hours, followed by a hazardous menu the caller must navigate.
I tried to call my local school board the other day to obtain a bit of info. What i got was very frustrating and representative of how institutions and businesses shun the consumer. My first contact included the message that "If you know the extension of the party you wish to contact, please press the extension now." Of course I did not, other wise I would have dialed directly.
So a list of departments and extensions were given, none of which would be helpful. To close out the torture I was receiving the closing message was, "hold for an operator who will assist you." (Why didn't the operator assist me from the start?) The operator was an elderly woman (apparently on the doorstep to a nursing home) quite confused and hard of hearing. I know the school board hired here because it hoped I would hang up in frustration when trying to communicate with that "rain man" on the other line! Mercifully the operator gave me a number she indicated would be right.
I called it guessed it. I got another _ _ _ _ message!!!!!! This one was the dreaded, " We are on another line or out of the office, please leave your name and telephone number and we will contact you as soon as possible." Only a moron would leave a message after hearing that (Don't ask if I did!). In most cases there will never be a call back or if there is, it will occur when the caller is on the toilet or in the shower.
Why can't businesses answer the phone and speak to a caller? Is human contact now a secondary consideration to machine messages. Sigh... I hate technology, and I'm going to the toilet (they will probably call me when I am in there) What is this communication madness we suffer these days.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Making of Nations

Now that the Beijing Olympic Games are over I think it can be said with universality that they were a big success. but I do have an observation to make about one aspect I find distasteful. it has to do with the opening and closing ceremony, what the Olympic Organizers call "The Parade of Nations".
I had high expectations as I watched a little of that march, hoping to see art and athletics meet to join together in harmony. The parade was nice, smiling athlete and happy fans. But wait! What did I see but "nations' who were not listed on any map or in any atlas. There was Puerto Rico marching a few athletes under a flag of its own. yet, unless I have been asleep or hallucinating from medication, I do not remember hearing that Puerto Rico became an independent nation. Did Puerto Rico secede from he U.S. while I was dazed?
And another new "nation" appeared- Palestine. I didn't read a thing in my newspaper or on line that there is anew nation called Palestine. But there was a "nation' with it's own flag called "Palestine' that marched in the parade. Hmmmmmm Maybe Palestine became a nation while I was chatting on line.... and I missed it.
But wait! I saw Hong Kong marching a separate nation too. it had it's own flag and was not with China. Someone should tell the Chinese government that it lost Hong Kong. I know it's true because the Olympic Parade said so! But don't tell either China or Taiwan that a group of athletes had the Taiwanese flag and marched as a unit. Yet they called themselves "Chinese Taiwan". Either some graffiti artist wrote in the word "Chinese" or Taiwan changed it's name when we weren't looking.
And there I sat an watched a new nation called "American Somoa". Wow... the Olympic Committee sure is a nation maker. Maybe they should inform the U.N. about all these "new" nations. Or perhaps we should all form our own nation and march too.
Sigh.... I think all of this has given me such a headache I better forget the idea I probably would defect to "Palestine" or Chinese Taiwan" anyway.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Olympic Judging

The U.S. Olympic Committee sent me another request for a donation today. I guess the winter games are near. But it occurred to me that if they wanted more donations they should first clean up the competition. The worst is Ice skating and the summer games bell weather-gymnastics.
So I have three observations about my last favorite Olympic sport, Gymnastics. I did manage to sit through some of the Olympic men and women gymnastics event and as usual, found it a bizarre and too much to take. I had to turn it off. Having said that, here are a few questions you might answer for me, to help me understand that strange event.
1) Is the judging ever fair? And how can such a subjective exercise be judged at al. Shouldn't that sport be an un scored exhibition? To assign a score to gymnastic routines is like collecting the world's greatest artists and having them sit down to draw one picture "best picture" wins. Haha 2) Is the gymnastics champ predetermined? I see every Olympics that two or three teams are preordained to win the medals, even when one or more performs more poorly than the other teams competing. There is a "star system" that sets more forgiving standards for the stars and favored teams. No matter what they do, they will "win" the competition.
3) What is all this hugging between the female gymnasts and their teammates and coaches. After every gymnast does her routine ( it's the same with every nation) she is mugged with an individual hug from everyone on the sideline. No matter if the gymnast did poorly or well, there is an obligatory (the gymnasts look pained when being groped) hug from everyone. Just once I would love to see one of them slug the hugger with a knockout punch. The competitors are tired and focusing on their performance. They do not need those hugs.
Some traditions make no sense.

On Beauty

Beauty is so subjective that it's impossible to define to an exact degree. I think most people can agree on whether a tree, landscape, object of art etc.. are beautiful. And to some degree a man or woman's physical beauty has some universality.
But not specifically. I read today about the concept of evaluating the beauty of people as in.... does your honey look as beautiful today as five years ago, The latest research confirms what we have always suspected. Whether that gorgeous girl or handsome man looks as good today as years ago is not the product of how much she or he has aged, but rather what the viewer has learned about she or him during those years.
Simply put scientists say (But can scientists evalaute subjectiev topics such as beauty?) that people we find physically gorgeous after first glances won't appear so sexy if negative traits start popping up. And on the other hand, the person we find average looking becomes gorgeous if we discover positives characteristics (even if age thrusts wrinkles onto their face).
That's the idea of results just published in the scientific journal of Evolution and Human Behavior. (I won't go into the specific way the study was conducted) This tends to negative the "love at first sight" syndrome, as a few months later the negative qualities of one you drool over initially may, in your eyes, turn him or her into an ugly mess. This is all the more reason that falling in love too fast can be dangerous (given that physical attraction is often on reason for instant attraction).
It also shows why women are so much wiser than me when selecting their love. They tend to discount looks in favor of other non physical traits that they see as beautiful. men are often stuck on... uh.. boobs, legs, a perfectly chiseled face or other physical attractions. But then , we men are inferior in beauty and in our limitedcapacity to reason.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama As God

Are you paying attention to what went on in the months before and at the Obama inauguration? In the U.S. (and to almost the same extent in Europe) we have announced that God is Dead! Long live the new God- Barack Obama.
In this age of blurred reality, distracting technology, trendiness and more, it has occurred to me after months of feel good Obama news stories and TV reports, drunken hopefulness, and the disgrace and banishment of George Bush that perhaps there really isn't anything Barack Obama can't do.
And maybe even better than the old God people here used to worship.In a few short months he has gone from mere mortal-unknown to deity who inspires every breathing carcass (even the birds sing better when near him, I am told) all across this country.
He's become an international rock star, the twin of Abraham Lincoln, the fulfillment of Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of freedom, the ideal of what a human should look and cat like in this new age, a gifted orator with the charisma of JFK, the intellect of Einstein and the coolness of your favorite Hollywood celebrity.
It is said that he is the most loving and involved father on the planet, the husband every woman dreams of, he wears skinny suits and can sink three-pointers shots when playing on the court against Lebron James. He is already on his way to fixing the Bush economy, solving the crisis in the Mid east, defeating terrorism by the simple force of his God-like charm, achieving world peace.
Yep...Barack Obama is not only the greatest man to ever walk this earth, he may be our new God. But how did we come to this time when we are blessed to kneel to God Obama. Why are we suddenly so enlightened to see the new messiah? It might be the mindlessness of this age in history that accounts for such simpleton views (I think it not inaccurate to label the 200's the Know Nothing Age), or perhaps the Bush effect....those awful destructive Bush years have made even atheists long for Obama God to put us back together again.
Then too, people stopped thinking for themselves about the time cell phones and other mind numbing technology allowed them to stop using their craniums. It doesn't take much effort to convince people that there is pie in the sky and too much co2 in the atmosphere these days. They just nod assent and get back to connecting with their cell phones.But eventually God Obama must deliver the goods.
I think that soon Obama's idealistic and enthusiastic admirers and supporters will began to feel disenchanted, disillusioned and betrayed as he morphs back into a human being by adopting policies all presidents must make, those that are more to the center of U.S. politics and less fell good campaign rhetoric.There is a problem for Obama with his becoming human again. First, he promised the flock that he was to the Messiah of a new kind of politics, a conviction politician with a strong moral compass that would guide his politics. Sadly, too many of the flock don't understand the difference between campaign promises and reality.
If Obama is smart, and I believe he is not only smart but the best option for the U.S. now, he will re humanize himself rapidly, and deny his holiness before his opponents do it for him. Either way, it should be fun to watch.

Obama Inauguration Circus

I am sure, like most Americans and many foreigners, you saw news or perhaps watched some of the U.S. presidential inauguration.
Though I voted for Obama and think he has the chance to do clean up the poo that George Bush dumped on this country. I had enough of that swearing in ceremony long before it took place. In fact, I have lost interest in the show and want to see the substance (the new policies that must be implemented in order to save this country from further decline).
There is so much hype about Obama that the inauguration went form being a swearing in to a coronation of a king to a deification of a God. Across the country, people gathered in schools, arenas, bars, workplaces and homes to witness the historic day. Emotions spilled over as they wept, cheered and prayed. The estimated crowd of more than 2 million that watched live is astounding.
Though such interest here (and it was almost as big an event for many non U.S. residents too..Hehe No doubt they are more relieved to get rid of Bush than to support Obama). But it bothers me that so many people wear blinders about Obama. Surely that a mixed race candidate won here is great news that shows how open and diverse the U.S. and how quickly we can change when many other systems move so slowly.
It is very unlikely in almost any other nation today that an outsider like Obama could win an election for the presidency of a nation, particularly when the majority who voted for him is so unlike him in background..But Obama is human. He has faults and has a very big job ahead of him. Making him God-like does not help him to do the unpleasant things that so many who voted for him won't like, but that are necessary to rebuild the Bush damaged country.
To his credit, Obama has been trying to play down the unrealistic expectations so many have for him, the result of the eight year nightmare we have gone through under the Bush administration's inept, dishonest and arrogant policies. But try as he did there is way too much expectation for the new president.
I have hope and faith in Obama's ability, judgment, intent and views. But I surely am not on bent knee to him waiting for him to toss the U S a ten commandment tablet. The array of commercial icons about Obama, even before he was sworn in is astounding. How about the T shirts and mugs that display all things Barack Obama, the apparel, action figures and a jack-in-the-box with the new president popping out with a big smile. Or maybe you want one of those the 22-karat-gold-trimmed Obama "Victory Plates".
You can admire it as you smoke an Obama cigar you can smoke as look at what The Washington Post is offering.... tote bags, Obama perfume, Obama candy, clothing and a coffee mug with images of its day-after-election front page; prices range from $10 to $43. Not to be outdone, The New York Times has even more items for sale and at New York prices. Photographs of Obama go for $200.
All of this and the rest surely reflects the adulation the American media has shown toward Obama instead of the expected objective journalism they have forgotten. Go to Yu Tube and you can find almost 50 songs written about Obama.Some Obama products can be personalized with your own name. The Web site, is one of many such sites that sell personalized buttons, banners and rally signs. Some Obama products can be personalized with your own name. For sale also for the racists out there is an Obama monkey puppet, something for even those who hate Obama.
I wish Obama well and support him even to the extent that I expect to suffer a bit under the policies we need to get the country back on track. I wonder if all those idolaters feel the same. Or do they expect heavenly gifts to be handed to them by the Obama administration? Are they excited for the right reasons or because of a deluded vision that Barack Obama is the new messiah.

Finding Letters

Yesterday I began cleaning out a large wooden tool/storage cabinet in the utility room in my late brother's house. This room is outside but attached to the house, and is the last one I must tend too in order to clean the house for whomever purchases it.
I was very surprised to find, among the old tools and knic knacks, my father's duffel bag from his days in the U.S. Air Corps during W.W. II. It had virtually disintegrated in the 60 years it had been stored there, but inside I found a trove of letters (mostly to my mother and his parents) written to my dad or by him during his more than 2 years in North Africa during W.W.II.
He was a cryptographer for the Air Corps, involved in trying to break the German code used by the famous German tank commander Field Marshal Rommel. My mom always said my dad was "romantic and dashing" as a youth. Haha Based on my dad's unromantic nature I wondered whether she was exaggerating, but now know it is true.
I read some of his letters to her, and they are largely filled with cooing and affirmations of love and hope for the future. One was written in August of 1945, the day the world learned that Japan had surrendered, ending the war. In it, my dad told my mom that he couldn't wait to get home to start the family they had planned and bring into the world their "baby Jane". My mom always wanted a little girl (she probably lost that girl when the second baby died in childbirth). How ironic that the child they wanted would be named "Jane". My own baby Jane does exist.
No wonder my parents were thrilled at having my little Jane as their grand daughter.
I also found many pictures from the war, some of my father in Morocco and Algeria and some of the relatives from both my mother's and father's family. There was also my dad's old uniform, too tattered (falling apart) to keep, some of is uniform insignias and some coins from North Africa my dad must have had on his person when he left to return to the U.S.
As happy as I am to find this material and to think about my parents, it makes me a bit melancholy about their deaths. I think this is the last of the secret family treasures to find. There is little left in the cabinet and the house is virtually cleaned of everything.

What's On TV Today

I know why I seldom watch TV. Today I was looking at my newspaper. It has a weekly 'Focus Forum' that lists the TV program on the nearly 100 TV stations on air for the coming week, along with a description of what the episodes are about.
Some of the shows seem bizarre to me (and most a waste of time). For example, here are 10 randomly morning shows on one day, Sunday, this week. There are many more than these, each being a reason to keep the TV set turned off
1) 'Beat Charlie Moore'- It doesn't say who Charlie is or at what activity one should beat him. I guess that I should know that already.
2) 'A Guy Thing'- This is a movie on a regular television channel, not an adult rated channel . The description is strange. It says, "A groom-to-be wakes up next to his fiancee's cute cousin." Haha I guess this is an educational film.
3) 'Hispanics Today'- One of many special interest channels. That one is all in Spanish.
4) 'Feed the Children'- No description on this one either. I wonder what they are feeding those kids. Why are they feeding, and can I have the leftovers.......
5) 'Changing Your World'- Again, the reader must use his imagination to figure out what this program is about. There is no description. I was not aware that I had a world of my own, so I guess I should watch this program to see where it is.
6) 'Ask This Old House'- I haven't yet started talking to a house (though my sanity is in doubt), so I'll surely skip this show.
7) 'Travel Sick'- No kidding. That's the name of the show. It supposedly tells you how to travel when you are sick. I say "Stay home, until you are well."
8) 'Real TV'- I guess this show is in answer to "Unreal TV' or whatever............
9) 'Fairly Odd Parents'- This one can't be about me because I am a "completely" odd parent.
10) 'Jeeper's Creepers'- This is a movie. the description says it all. "A flesh eating entity pursues sibling college students". While I agree that some college student should be eaten, I think making a movie about it is too much for me.
Sigh.... Today I think I'll trade in my TV for a radio.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sleeping at Work

How was your day? Feel sleepy while there in bleary-eyed heaven? I can honestly say that never fell asleep while at work. One year though, I remember a fellow teacher who did just that. He played music in a band at night and often slept few hours before starting his teaching day. One day the man decided to show a short film pertinent to his lesson.
You guessed it. He turned out the lights and the projector on, but soon after fell sound asleep. His students heard the snoring and decided, since the period was nearly over, to let him sleep on. As the bell ending the class sounded, they quietly exited the class with the sleeping teacher snoring happily. Next period's class awakened him, but the story never did "go to sleep". It followed him for years until his retirement. But apparently dozing off isn't as uncommon as one would imagine.
A survey was conducted by the European Internet site 'Jobline' that showed sleeping on the job may be a frequent occurrence (You are not permitted to nap while reading my E mail). The poll was carried out between March 29th and April 13th and received responses fro some 21,500 people in 14 European countries. Here are some of the results. 1) One out of every four Europeans has fallen asleep in the workplace. (I wonder if this explains the inefficiency of production in Europe the past 25 years or so) 2)
Most of the sleepers most often dozed off at their desks, second most often in meetings and lastly in the toilet (the male sanctuary!) 3) Another 39% said that, although they did not fall asleep at work, they had to make an extra effort to stay awake. 4) The Irish workers are the sleepiest. 40% of them fell asleep at work. The Dutch, with only 20% sleeping at work, were the most awake.
According to the study author's web site, "Long workdays, routine tasks, meetings that drag on, and staring into a computer monitor are prompting workers around Europe to fall asleep at their workplace." That's an intere... Hey! Are you asleep out there? I sense snoring. Maybe I should conduct a poll of what percentage of my E mails put the recipients to sleep.
When you wake up you can give me your vote. So much for sleepy workers and E mail workers.

Gay TV

I noted an interesting change happening in my city, and I assume elsewhere in the U.S. It is the opening of doors socially for gay and lesbian people. I saw a marriage announcement in my paper yesterday that was surprising, as it was a first.
The announcement (some impending marriages are announced in the newspaper with pictures and a description of the couple) showed two local bearded men and gave a description of their recent marriage in Toronto, Canada (gay marriage is illegal in my state).
That quite a bold move by the newspaper, to recognize a gay marriage when the state itself doesn't. But I think it is long overdue. The day before I was watching local TV news when a commercial came on advertising a "Gay Channel" just starting on our local cable TV system. It's a first for that too. Now gay people can have their own special interest channel (it is a pay per subscription channel). I think that good too. Society is becoming more tolerant when such things are allowed. I did not see the free preview of that channel that ran this past weekend, so I can't comment on the quality of the programming. regardless of the quality there are enough homosexuals to support it well.
I think the crazy minister protestors will emerge to try to kill Gay Tv, as soon as it becomes more widespread. The rednecks may also notice, and I think will probably secretely watch some of gay Tv. It's always true that those who hate the most, also ove what they hate.
Maybe the best way for Gay TV backers to handle those ministers and rednecks is to blow them a big wet kiss.


A few years ago here in New Orleans we had a big problem with nutria. Those are a kind of large rat from South America. They act more like squirrels than "rats" and some locals eat the meat of nutria. In fact, restaurants in New Orleans tried to market nutria meat on their menus a few years ago, but though people will eat squirrel (another animal in the rat family) they didn't seem eager to munch of nutria steaks. The Cajuns love the meat...but then a Cajun will eat ANYTHING.
At any rate, the problem with nutria was an overpopulation of them. They mate incessantly and produce family members at the same rate as other rats. For years they had been eating away at the banks of canals and in marshes, eating the grass that help to keep the marsh from losing it's banks. So the erosion problem nutria caused meant that something had to be done to reduce the population. If not, erosion would destroy canals and marsh and swamp beds. One method of doing this was a state program of offering bounties to trappers who turned in nutria hides. It worked quite well, as the nutria meat was used in pet food and trappers killed off hundreds of thousands of them- in the wild.
But what about the problem of nutria eating and nesting along city canal banks. Since trappers don't work in cities, there had to be another plan. And that one was... get ready for this.... for the local sheriffs to have target practice (at night) to shoot those nutria as they emerged from their nests. In a big park near my home and along the open canals we have (a legacy of the French settlement of New Orleans) police offers would shine spot lights on the canal banks and shoot the nutria. I can attest to the fact that this proposal didn't work. I see nutria at night along the canal near my home. The police simply had too little man power (sounds like the Iraqi problem) and bullets for those nutria. The program was stopped and the nutria victorious.
Everytime I ride my bike in my neighborhood near one of our open canals, I swear I see those rats smiling a victory smile as I peddle past.

Keep Your Pants On

Forget all the strife in the world. The Iraqi War and all those other conflicts around the globe. The issue of greatest importance is in the news again. Yes, that's' right. It's the great debate in my own Louisiana legislature and many others in the U.S. over those "sagging trousers" that kids wear today. Debate continues, and a new law against showing one's underpants or other parts of their " forbidden regions" is soon to pass. One day it may be a criminal offense in my state to wear clothes that intentionally expose a person's "underwear, genitals or public hair". The law is aimed at a particular faddish style of dress adopted by some young men (teens and early twenties, in particular who mostly took the concept from "hip hop" artists and the prison system manner of dress, where prisoners without belts often have slipping pants), who intentionally wear their pants below their waists so that large sections of their underwear, and sometimes anatomy, are exposed. Hehe Don't worry. I did not attach a picture of myself in that style to demonstrate visually how offensive it is.
Not many people dress that way, and probably the parent should regulate inappropriate dress by kids, but the issue is big news as much for the absurdity of it as for any real need to legislate the habit. On one side is a group of "community leaders" who say it is the government's job to intervene when societal norms break down, as evidenced by what they see as inappropriate dress. On the other side are civil libertarians who say the bill is an affront to freedom of expression (as free expression also includes the right to freely display bad taste) and gives law enforcement officials too much power to harass the innocent (or in this case, the crude).
For instance, police might arrest young men with drooping pants but allow breast revealing female fashion.
The bill sponsor of one sagging pant attempt in 2004 said, "We are trying to educate our people that in our society we have a line of decency that should not be crossed, and that line starts at the waist area." Well... what about some other alleged "indecent exposures". Is a woman's cleavage indecent? And what about your friendly plumber who routinely bends over to fix a pipe and exposes his nasty butt crack? Don't pretend innocence. I know you looked!
We all have been disgusted by the infamous plumber butt crack. In one sagging pant porposal here violators of the law would be subject to perform 3 days of community service in a local fire department (I have no idea why there) and could be fined up to $175.
Sigh.... It's nice to know that the politicians of my state are dealing with life's more important issues.