Monday, September 4, 2017

Hate Speech By University Professors

How unhinged are some of the Trump haters here in the United States?  There is no end to their lies, half truths, irrational conclusions and delusions ab out Trump. Need an example? Here's one from an alleged educated citizen Trump hysteric. A University of Tampa college professor, Kenneth Storey, boldly Tweeted (anyone who Tweets nonsense and is clue less that he or she could be held accountable for the Tweets is an idiot) that Houston, Texas got Hurricane Harvey's devastation because Harvey was "instant karma" for Texas since the state voted for Donald Trump for president last year. The good news is the University is not a leftist supporter of anti Trumpism and has fired him for off duty speech that it says sends an implication that the university endorses stupidity and hate from the crazed anti Trumpers.

The university was mostly motivated by altruism in firing because parents of University of tampa students, who pay the tuition for their kiddies, immediately demanded that the school act responsibly to remove haters like Storey instead of being a leftist refuge. "Don't think this is a school we will be looking at for my daughter anymore," one commenter said. An alumnus wrote, "Good thing I already paid you, because I'll never send the school another dime again." Seeing the power of the tuition paying parent lobby,  the university fired him. "We condemn the comments and the sentiment behind them, and understand the pain this irresponsible act has caused," spokesman Eric Cardenas said in a statement.

Storey says that, while saddened, he understands UT's decision. He got caught up in today's political climate, he said, and knows now that he is responsible for all his Tweets. "What they see in those tweets is not who I am," he said. "How I worded it was wrong. I care about people. I love this country. I would never want to wish harm upon anyone." Maybe Storey should stop imagining and start rescuing some of the people in Houston he seemed to want to "punish' for voting for Trump. Meanwhile, a leftist "I hate Trump"  group that fights for civil liberties in academia has taken up the issue, disappointed that UT "caved" to the pressure of "outrage mobs" online. But a private school has the right to discipline faculty members who embarrasses the school with posts on the school web site (where Storey posted his).

How can anyone defend what Storey wrote? "I don't believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn't care about them." Further, he said that "good people" in states like Texas  "need to do more to stop the evil their state pushes. I'm only blaming those who support the GOP there." Storey's name was added to a web site called Professor Watchlist, a project to "expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom."  Eventually Storey removed the entire list of Trump/Republican/conservative hate speech, as well as his profile photo. He posted an apology on Monday. But too late to save his job.

Hysterical hate by left wing professors against those who do not agree to leftists agendas is common in American universities. Recently, for example, professors from California to New Jersey have been fired for social media posts and speaking appearances. At Fresno State, a lecturer tweeted that President Trump "must hang" to "save American democracy." A professor at Brigham Young University wrote a private Face book post supporting LGBT equality. Both lost their jobs. It's a sign that at least some reason remains on some college campuses.

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