Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Indoctrinating Youth Into Leftist Hate

It appears to me that this is the age of indoctrination. In particular, young people, even small children are bombarded with agendas, mostly leftist oriented, from nonsense about global warming to the idea that capitalism is evil to racism is what all whites feel to all non whites to why men allegedly hate women is preached by the left in schools, on TV and in films, in print mediums and particularly by celebrities. I wrote "preached" but I mean brainwashed.

Most humans do not change their minds much after the age of 18 or so. That makes the brainwashing of kids so dangerous to society.  When the majority accepts false narratives, never daring to challenge, it produces much less freedom than a democracy wants. It's why , for example, 10 years olds declare they "are the wrong sex and will change their sex", why 18 year olds lacking the most fundamental education about democracy and capitalism declare it evil and discriminatory toward "brown people". It's why children sue their local government for abusing them because they are allowing fossil fuels to be burned that destroy the world".

Those are just a few examples that illustrate that our kids are not taught reasoning, problem solving, evaluating data and other basic learning skills. Instead, they are indoctrinated into the leftist ideology. Indoctrination of the young can be either good or bad.  But there is too much indoctrination of agenda and too little with passing on cultural norms. Teaching a child a religion in a way that allows the child to accept or reject that teaching is good indoctrination. Teaching a political agenda, as in white males are evil and the cause of the failure of anyone who is not one of them, as a fact that one must never challenge is bad indoctrination. It doesn't take much for most of us to know the difference between the good or bad.

When the culture brainwashes its youth, that indoctrination usually lasts for life. That's because so little of the thinking skill process comes with education today. Today's teachers are more apt to say, "These are the facts I was told are true. Now it's your turn to accept them or you are a hater, a racist, a misogynist or worse. And we will ostracize and scorn you as a result." Kids are not born to be sheep. They are "educated" to be so in order to push the agenda.

A great peril for our civilization today is the hatred that is taught by the leftists against the establishment that they see as too successful to have earned their success fairly. But what can society do about leftist hate that is the mainstay of some of the culture's political, social, and celebrity elite that the nation's youth admires? Uh, I do not know. The question is for you to answer

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