Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thousand Dollar Phones

I recently read that the new iPhone costs $1000. Can you believe that a telephone costs more than many people pay their government in taxes? I am not sure why they call it a "phone" because those gadgets long ago made calling on them a secondary function. It's because the inventors of all the new apps and features of those cell phones have to keep adding useless junk to them in order to charge idiots $1000 to buy them.

Amazingly, people seem to wait in line hours before a new phone is launched, somehow deluded enough to think they need the latest edition of a new phone or that they may not be able to purchase one if they are not first in line the first day it's sold. Since I have never owned a cell phone of any type, I don't feel the irrational attraction to it that owners have to it. Maybe those phones have a"nicotine" somewhere in them as do cigarettes. I wonder if any studies have been done to rate the addictive quality of a cell phone to cigarettes to heroine or even more powerful substances that take control of human willpower.

Too, I wonder when there will not longer be any new apps and features to add to those phones, so that the phone itself will be replaced with another communication technology that is more appealing to humans. They did try to do that already when Apple released that Apple Watch  that users wear, supposedly to replace of the cell phone. It seems to have been a dud. If there is a new communication device that makes the cell phone addicts throw away their cells, I will be a happy man.

It might mean that can we return to the simple device called a telephone, a one use product that makes and receives calls and is located in a stationary spot in one's house. Long live the Land line! Bring it back and civilization will soon follow.

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