Friday, September 15, 2017

Labor Day Non Celebration

Since another Labor Day Holiday has comea nd gone I shall reflect briefly about that holiday. I wonder why that is a holiday in this country anymore.  Fewer and fewer people work and those that do work shorter hours and work in jobs that most of them hate.  I suspect we all like the idea of a day off work, but one to honor labor might be an anachronism. Anyway, there are few celebrations for Labor Day anymore, few parades, even fewer commercial  TV ads announcing a Labor Day sale at their stores. The apathy about Labor Day is so large many do not even know that the holiday exists.

I think Labor Day is now just an alert that summer, and much of the heat that comes with it, may be over. It also tells kids to go back to school. Hmmmm Maybe a holiday celebrating the return to school of those spoiled brats is more appropriate than a Labor Day for workers. But then I have been retired for many years. Now I am one of the non workers who should care one way or another whether there is a holiday for those who work.

 I prefer a holiday for the workers who pay income taxes. Over 50% of American workers today are excused from taxes. They are defined by politicians who seek their votes as being "poor". Most of them surely are not. It's shameful that those don't support the programs the government provides for their use. How about an Income Tax Holiday, only for those workers who pay income taxes?

Maybe we should get rid of most of the holidays on the calendar. An easy way is to make a list of the real holidays, ones that we all relate to. The federal government has only 10 holidays on it's day off list. That's a good start in whittling away holidays like President's Day or Cinco de Mayo  It's not a long list when I compose it. I would list Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day and.....that's it for me.  Some of the hundreds I left off the list might merit consideration too, but the three I choose are celebrated by all and are important to most.

Oh, by the way.. a late Happy Labor Day to you!

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