Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Simple Thnigs Are Best

I am having an appreciation moment. I better type quickly before all the aggravating moments society shoots at us pop back into my mind. I do believe the old adage that the simpler things in life are most important to keeping us sane. Even if you suspect my insanity disproves that, I will remind you that I would be more of a raving lunatic without the simple to soothe me. Do we not retreat into simplicity when things go sour for us?

I was reminded of the simple is good philosophy as I watered my front lawn this morning, in cool, sunny beauty. Portland has had one brief sprinkle of rain the past 59 days. My lawn is thirsty, my garden begging for a drink. I have a sprinkler system that waters but I have it set for every other day. Too much water can make a lawn pee like a child who drinks too much before bed time. When I water myself I can regulate the flow better and commiserate with nature at the same time. For me, watering the lawn on a cool morning is like baking cookies. It relaxes me.

Each of us has our own list of simple but great. Besides the watering and baking I naps, reading, my favorite pair of lounging shorts (No worry. I won't show you a picture of me in's not pretty), my morning coffee, something said with humor by a stranger, un crowded grocery stores at 7 am, a smile from a child, a reprieve from political talking points by people I do not trust, dessert and...well..I am a man..donuts, fetching my morning newspaper from my well-watered lawn at 6 am, domestic tranquility, a once a month splurge for a Carl's Jr., hamburger, being asked to help someone I care for who needs the help, bakeries and old fashioned diners, unexpected thrift store bargains, nostalgia, retirement from work and the freedom to be a bum without being classified as one, watching my favorite team play a football game, and looking at the landscape and realizing how lucky it is so beautiful and unspoiled.

Those are a few of the simple things that keep me going, putting my right foot in front of my left so I can walk through life in peace and ignore the maddening crowd.

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