Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The State Of College Campuses

The once pride of the United States, it's universities, are becoming an embarrassment.  Some are wondering whether sending a high school graduate to an American university is a worth while idea. Today's colleges and universities are mostly alt left sanctuaries that propagandize students in the politically correct ideology of the left.

Any student who defers from that will be branded as a heretic and chased out. In many universities today, the student who doesn't love Barrack Obama, transgender bathrooms or doesn't think white people are evil must be punished, not just for justice's sake, but also to send the message to anyone else on campus that should he or she stray off the leftist script, they too might find themselves investigated, harassed, ostracized, or even expelled. Sad to say but some universities here are run ISIS style.

The idea of a university should not be indoctrination or else. It used to be and should be a place to learn how to think for oneself, to challenge all orthodoxy and find an intellectual identity. It's less about learning how to make money through a profession, and never about being brainwashed in any ideology.  Four years of college studying the world's culture, its history and philosophy is the best thing that can happen to a person in his late teens or early 20s.

It opens new worlds, but it shouldn't be seen as preparation for a life of earning. It should be seen as a time and place where young people acquire information  and learn how to evaluate it so they can understand truth more easily and propaganda less. Instead, today's colleges and universities are "truth camps" and re education centers" for all those who are not politically correct.

Today there is a climate of intimidation and fear on campuses that has killed free speech and thought.  Pity the student who says he or she voted for Trump for president. That is equivalent to heresy in the Middle Ages.  Higher education should provide an environment to test new ideas, debate theories, encounter challenging information, and figure out what one believes. Campuses should be places where students are able to make mistakes without fear of retribution. If there is no tolerance, and college campuses today may be the least tolerant place this side of ISIS, it is impossible to exchange ideas and debate to find the truth.

The politically correct university of today is a world of land mines, where faculty, almost all of whom are leftists, and students have no idea what innocuous comment might be seen as an offense against P.C. truth.  On campus today, anything said in opposition to leftism is ruled "hate speech' and all those who say it are branded "racists" or "misogynists". In fact, the left version of race and gender answers every question for the left. Left leaning administrators, professors, and students are working overtime in their campaign of silencing dissent,. It's everything a college should not allow.

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