Friday, June 2, 2017

A Victory For Reason Over Climate Hysteria

Bravo to President Trump for pulling the U.S. out of that awful, political "climate change" agreement President Obama promoted and engineered to win favor with his leftist constituency. The  2015 agreement among 196 nations said that, beginning in 2020, some nations would institute policies for,  "Holding the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre industrial levels" They evidently are punking us by pretending that humans can change climate, or they realize how uninformed the citizenry is in this age of fake media and uninterested constituents. But then the plan is voluntary, meaning few countries will follow the agreement they pledged to try to achieve.

Now for the real reason that the phony climate change accord was implemented; right from the agreement itself. "To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year." (too, the giveaway amount will increase every year of the agreement) Nice incentive for the underdeveloped world to agree since they get $100 billion each year for pretending to "save the planet" by the goal to reduce planet temperature by 2 degrees C. And where does the 100 billion come from? It's mostly from the suckers of the world, the U.S., Canada and Western Europe. The world's biggest polluter for example, China, has no responsibility at all in this agreement and can keep using its dirty coal until 2030. India number three in "carbon footprints, also can go on doing energy their own way and will be rewarded for it financially.

The agreement was little about climate and all about economics. U.S. taxpayers give billions to countries that pollute and U.S. companies sell those polluters gadgets and "clean" energy that is paid for with that tax funds that the gullible U.S. citizens give away. What a scam! If the industrial nations really believe that humans control climate and that we need to save planets, they would advocate for what environmentalists hate most, real clean fuel; that is, natural gas and nuclear generated power. It's clean and economically sensible. In fairness, the Paris Accord does encourage more natural gas usage, to the dismay of the crazy leftist environmentalist lobby. But, outside of the oil and gas companies that supply it, there is too little profit to be made off  the world's taxpayers to burn clean fuel that way. But to sell wind power, solar and the rest of what is way to inefficient and costly to be feasible.

The Paris Accord of 2015 is an economic transfer of wealth from the wealthy nations to the poorer ones. It has nothing to do with changing climate, which is something humans can't do anyway. It is imaginary in that it is not binding on any nation that signed it. Too, many signature nations do nothing but hold out their collective hands to receive the money the western nations hand them. Well, they did have to pretend they were "saving the planet" by taking those bribes.

 The whole climate change hysteria is sad, but the media and politicians see the public has been horns waggled into believe it. So you will see and read many pronouncements about how evil it is to not participate in the Paris Accord, how we humans are what changes climate. Perhaps before commenting on the subject you should read the Paris accord agreement ( and do research on the genesis of the global warming religion to judge it from your own viewpoint. But few of the advocates of climate change theology would ever need to do that. their favorite Hollywood celebrity gives them all the information they need. That warms me more than any carbon fuel used today.

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