Wednesday, June 28, 2017

CNN Decline Continues

Three more CNN journalists  have resigned after their story on Russian ties to Trump proved to be yet another lie by CNN in it's efforts to destroy Trump at any cost, even it's faltering reputation. CNN wrote an editor's note to the public saying that it has retracted the story, taken down online links to it, and accepted resignations from three men who wrote and edited the piece. It was another in a series of half truths or lies that has been published by CNN and many other former main stream, but now anti Trump rags,.
I'll spare you the details of the story because it was one big slander and lie intended to motivate its largely ignorant viewer ship to oppose anything the current president proposes. This is yet another time CNN has been caught in a "Trump" lie, and its viewer ship may finally have had enough of what used to be a respected TV news outlet but that is now a partner with the Democratic party to oppose everything and everyone the party does not want. There are few shouts of 'long live CNN' because as a major news source it may already be dead in this country. Only in foreign nations, where there is less access to real news that expose the lies of CNN, does CNN still have a sizable news channel ratings.
CNN is now facing great criticism over it's political coverage, even from some leftists who are tired of fake news and outright lies published simply because the networks has sold its soul to the left and the Democratic Party. As CNN became even more strident in its crusade to personally destroy Donald Trump viewers reacted by turning it off. One might call CNN's status as a death by suicide.
On average, fewer than a million people are tuning into CNN throughout the day. That is less than 1% of the adult population. The American people trust CNN, they don't like CNN, and they don't watch CNN. When journalists and their networks stop being fair, transparent and stop telling the truth in order to instead embrace ideology they become irrelevant. Right now, CNN is near irrelevancy. It's healthy that it is.

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