Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Small Things Drive Us Crazy

The small things bug me sometimes. Not enough to make me crazy, but enough to make me shake my head and utter "why". The old saying that it's the little things in life that we notice most and control our mood, is probably true. If as you sit down early in the morning savoring the smell of the coffee you just brewed but have ever run out of  cream or milk for your coffee you'll know what I mean. It's not really that important, but it is unsettling. I seem to have quite a few of those little annoyances most days. Hmmmm Let me tell you about a few that happened today. You can compare notes later about your own "little things that bug you".

One thing that happened again today that happens to often is the inconsiderate driver in front. Doesn't it bug you when that driver slowly proceeds through a green light until the light changes to yellow? He then speeds through the light leaving you at another red light. As I sit at the red light I wonder what kind of person that one is. I would tell you, but I want to keep this clean.

Another thing that bugged me today was that I wanted to mow my lawn, but the grass was wet. I waited until the grass dried, but by then the sun was too hot for me to mow it. Thus, my lawn will wait for tomorrow, if it doesn't rain again. If I wake up tomorrow and the grass is wet again I may kill myself with the lawn mower so I won't have to go through this scenario again.

Another bug moment for me today was while I was at the grocery store. I had only 5 items, but the 10 item or fewer line was packed with idiots who can't read. They had full carts full of groceries but were in the fast line because they knew the checker would not make them exit. So the jerks with too many items to use the express lane and the jerk supermarket checker who won't enforce the 10 item or fewer rule both tormented me today.

One of those items was a watermelon. Does it bug you too that you often have to guess whether the melon you pick to buy is ripe and sweet because the melons are not cut and not available for sampling? I end up tossing the melon in the trash when it is not sweet, and there is no possibility of returning the melon to the store and getting a refund. Melons are like the human brain. What you have is yours. Refunds are not allowed. I got a bad melon today.

Another little thing that bugged me today was my car traversing potholes that were just created by a home builder. When houses are built today the construction equipment can be exceedingly heavy, beyond the legal weigh limit load,. But the builders use that heavy industrial equipment, which causes cracks and potholes in the road. I wonder why the local police don't ticket the builder to make him repair all the potholes he created.

That's just a small part of my day. No wonder I am going crazy!

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