Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I think; Therefore I Exist

This is a day for me to confess ignorance. Oh, you already consider me to be ignorant. Gee, I didn't know that. I guess that last statement is proof that I am ignorant. Anyway, we are all ignorant, just about different subjects. Hmmmm I forgot where that quote came from. My ignorance is showing again in that I don't remember the name of the person who is credited with that line.

It might not be normal for an individual to not know he or she is ignorant. After all, the world is complicated and the human brain has too little time on earth to absorb knowledge of it all. Who has time to know  so much of importance, like which celebrity humans are supposed to admire. That e= mc2 business will have to wait for most of us because Hollywood or music divas are so much more important. I have learned that.

But to my confession. I was thinking about some of the things of which I am ignorant. Here's a few; why anyone wears a baseball hat backwards; the appeal of political correctness, how to open those square plastic containers they put bakery goods in;  why people watch TV series so much;  what an app is, or a cell phone for that matter; why soccer is popular; why so much literature written today is still at a high level today, but movies, TV and music stinks; why Islam is a "peaceful religion"; whether one has to follow any church rules to be Catholic; why I never seem to remember the size of AC filter I need for my unit or whether I forgot to turn out the light in the last room I left; why I should care about Brexit; if a politician has ever been caught telling the truth; why I hate dancing but enjoy going to my dentists for work on my teeth; why the public thinks Angelina Jolie is more important than a hospice worker, a priest or a teacher; why there are specially designed bathrooms for transsexuals and non binaries or any other imagined sex; how come we hate paying taxes for schools and roads but love to fork over money for a big screen TV or for a new car we don't need every couple of years; why round pizzas are put in square wood boxes; why it is so hard to unscrew the top from a jar; how come I have a bag of batteries but none of them fit the device that needs them;  why drivers with kids speed in school zones and non handicapped people park in handicap parking spaces;  why people go to a doctor but rarely ever follow the doctor's health care instructions; why they manufacture those spiral shaped light bulbs;  if I am supposed to be a sexist and hold a door open for a woman; why so many females think men are sexist; why I was usually a D or F student but never an E student; why so many cartoon characters have speech impediments; why I bother to vote when there is never a candidate who I have trust in; why I made this stupid list so long.

Sigh....at least I have proved my ignorance today. May you find solace in yours too.

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