Wednesday, June 7, 2017


What's happening to my donuts! (I am showing outrage because as a card-carrying male, I know that donuts are sacred.) You know, the simple fried dough with a sugar glaze. National Donut Day was held the other day and a look at the donut case shows a lot of unfamiliar flavors. They are killing the donut with variations. The now sell donuts with additions like Sichuan peppercorn-laced icing, piping in foie gras, and  bacon on top. That's not a donut it's a stomach ache.
The top donut flavors according to donut shops are traditional one. Number one is the glazed yeast donut, number two is the chocolate glazed cake donut and number three is the cream filled chocolate iced donut. I am doubtful if it's possible to define what makes a good doughnuts, given all the varieties and flavor preferences out there There are glazed people and raised doughnuts people. There are  maple bar people (I hate those) and apple fritter people (my favorite donut). But beside all of that, I think a truly great doughnuts will have a few all encompassing traits.
First, it should be sweet. Donuts that are not sugar rushes are imitators. The aroma should be powerful, the interior soft and the exterior slightly crunchy. It frosted it must be frosted lightly. Too much frosting is like putting Ketchup on steak. It ruins it. The flavor is best when ti is distinctive. Bad donuts taste like other donuts. Good ones make you remember  and crave them.
The origin of donuts is unknown. Even the Smithsonian Museum says they are not sure who started to make today's style donuts. Most people credit the Dutch with staring it and the Americans with popularizing donuts. But every culture has either today's style donut or some variation. The best are made with wheat flour. The rest are dry imitations. Have your self a donut today. You deserve a piece of heaven.

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