Thursday, December 22, 2016

What Your Christmas Tree Says About You

In this age of superficiality and belief in what we want to be true rather than what is truth, comes a crazy analysis of why a person puts up  particular  Christmas tree and why it is decorated a particular way. Yep! It's time to analyze why you put ups that orange Christmas tree, or whatever tree it is you erected. Hmmm Does your Christmas tree reveal your personality and character? After perusing the web and studying this pop psychology subject here is what I found about the subject.

* Real or fake tree-  Real tree people are traditionalists who like rituals. But the artificial tree users differ. Whether you pick the artificial tree because you don't like the mess of pine needles, or because you don't like chopping down live trees, your choice points to you being extremely practical in nature. It makes much more sense to you to invest in something that will last year after year, showing that you are a long term planner.
Or, maybe you find a sale on a cheap fake tree and can convince your family that you are saving the planet by not chopping down a real one.

*Too many lights on the tree- You are outgoing, colorful, and bold. Unafraid to let your true light shine, you think of your tree just as you think of your personality, big, bright, and bold. You are a performer at heart, and definitely don't shy away from being the center of attention. Your outgoing nature makes you fun to be around, and your ability to tell a great story or joke makes you fun at holiday parties.
Or, you are an exhibitionist (probably arrested more than once for indecent exposure) and probably have too many lights accumulated at those after Christmas light sales. Because your IQ is so low, you lack the awareness that too many lights are not good. But in the end, the problem will be solved when a power surge of those lights electrocutes you.

*Perfectly shaped tree- you are: deliberate, structured, and visual. As someone who likes things to be perfect, you rely on your strong visual aesthetic. You enjoy structure, and probably thrive in environments where order is needed. You also don't make decisions lightly, choosing each word, action, or decoration extremely carefully.
Or, your neatness drives everyone crazy. Even your family wants to send you to a shrink. You are so compulsive about neatness and perfection  you wash the dishes WHILE you are eating dinner. Rumors are several members of your family are looking for a Mafia hit man to end your existence.

*The tree is too big to fit-  You are ambitious and unafraid. When picking out a tree, you are never worried that it will be too big. Your ambitious personality reassures you that you can, in fact, make it work. It obviously can't, but you are the one who wears shoes two sizes too small and denies they don't fit. You like to dream big, never afraid of fail.  You don’t worry about failure because you don’t think of your mistakes as failures. Your extra big Christmas tree is simply an expression of your grandiose nature.
Or, you are too stupid to measure the tree before buying it and bringing it home. This may be indicative of the fact that you had to repeat 3rd grade twice. You solution to making the too big tree fit is to cut a hole in the living room ceiling to accommodate it. After that suggestion, you wife filed for divorce and your kids ran away from home.

* Real or artificial tree- Real tree users are grounded in tradition and like the natural. But fake tree users are said to be practical, planner, and organized. You pick the artificial tree because you don’t like the mess of pine needles, or because you don’t like chopping down live trees. Your choice points to you being extremely practical in nature. It makes much more sense to you to invest in something that will last year after year, showing that you are a long term planner.
Or, you got a great deal on a cheap and tacky artificial tree at that after Christmas sale last year.  Putting up that monstrosity may be an eyesore, but you falsely claim that you are "saving the planet" by not using a real one. No one believes you , but given your artificial nature you don't care.

*You put a star on top of the tree- If you top the tree with one of those aluminum stars you are moral, leader, and strong. As a person who likes a star on top of the tree, you place a large amount of stock in destiny and following your guiding star. You have a strong belief system, and you often look for ‘signs’ around you to point you in the right direction. Many times, you think of yourself as a guiding star, stepping up to take a strong leadership role. You also have a strong moral compass that you use in making important life decisions.
Or, you inherited grandma's star tree topper. It beats finding and paying for a new one. The only signs you see are that getting rid of the tacky grandma star would mean an expensive make over for the rest of the tree. You prefer to use the same deteriorating decorations every year.

*You put an angel on top of the tree- If you instead put an angel as your tree topper you are said to be spiritual, kind, and charitable. Putting an angel atop your tree shows that you have a strong spiritual side, and that you aren't afraid to let the world know. You are a kind soul, who knows how to take care of others and make them feel special. People will often turn to you in times of need. They know you have a charitable heart, and that you will be there to support them.
Or, you are a phony, an atheist who covers all bases by putting that star on top to fool the religious types who visit your home and see your tree. Behind your back others sneer at your hypocrisy and swear that your last donation to charity was that mangled penny you found  in the street in 1970  and tossed into a Salvation Army donation pail.

*Handmade ornaments and decorations for the tree-  You are creative. If your Christmas tree is full of homemade ornaments, it shows that you aren't afraid to reveal your creative side to the world. Your life is an open book, and people flock to you for honest opinions and honest answers. They also know that you will keep an open mind at all times. You are also quite in touch with nature and your environment, making practical use of the things around you.
Or, you are a cheapskate. Instead of buying nice ornaments and decorations, you save a few dollars by organizing a slave ornament making camp each fall among your spouse, grandparents and children, thereby ruining the spirit of Christmas for all.

May your Christmas tree be whatever you want it to be this year....

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