Friday, December 16, 2016

PC ism Slaps Christianity Again

Every year at this time of the year since the left wing portion of the Democratic took over the governance of the Presidency and installed ;political correctness as the rule of force, there are numerous stories of the intolerance and stupidity of political correctness. Well, December 2016 has the first such example, and it involves insulting Christmas and the much love cartoon strip, Peanuts.  Dedra Shannon, a staffer at Patterson Middle School in Killeen, Texas, was so inspired by the poster scene of Linus reciting a passage from the Holy Bible describing Christmas. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior which is Christ the Lord. That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

It is an expression of what Christmas is, a Christian celebration celebrating the birth of Christ.  But her mistake was in the deciding to use poster images to decorate the door to the nurses office. The decorations included a picture of Linus, the scrawny Christmas tree and that classic passage of dialogue about the true meaning of the holiday. And that was enough for the PC police to put an end to such Christian propaganda!

Two days later the a school principal made a PC citizen arrest of sort.  According to Dedra, “She said, ‘please don’t hate me, but unfortunately you’re going to have to take your poster down,” Ms. Shannon said. “I’m disappointed. It is a slap in the face of Christianity.” The principal went on to explain that the poster violated the U.S. Constitution. “She said my poster is an issue of separation of church and state,” Ms. Shannon told me. “She said the poster had to come down because it might offend kids from other religions or those who do not have a religion.”

So down came the Peanuts Christmas display. Despite the fact that the school touts it's "diversity" (a favorite PC word used to mask hatred of all things mainstream that are Christian oriented) and allows posters touting many other religious celebrations, diversity seems not to include Christian belief because that would be...well.. "racist". It's proof that those who demand tolerance the most are also the most intolerant. It seems to me that public schools like that one are supposed to be in the education business and Dedra was simply educating students about the true meaning of Christmas. How dare her! She should have been promoting Allah instead.

Christmas is a state holiday for schools in Texas. It is a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ.  I wonder why Dedra was forced to dismantle her decoration recognizing that.

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