Monday, December 12, 2016

Fake News On The Internet

The subject of false information purported to be hard news, or "fake news', is finally up for discussion on main (mostly non fake) news sites. It's an interesting subject given the amount of nonsense a largely less sophisticated public is duped into believing to be real. Both Google and Face book say they are now trying to ban ban fake news sites from using their ad networks to prevent the spread of false information. That's a good start because more fake news comes from those silly social welfare sites that anywhere else on the internet.  As a more people read less and scan more sites to filter truth from propaganda, they rely on the internet to get information. For many speed and access is so easy they never challenge whatever is posted on their favorite web site.

So when nonsense like "Trump is a racist" appears directly or implied by opinion, for instance, appears on Face book, an incredible number of unsophisticated readers assume it must be true. Both candidates in the recent U.S. election were pounded by fake news targeting their opponent, often the result of the candidate him or herself sponsoring the fake news. I guess the word is out on how ignorant and gullible much of the internet crowd is. Sadly, for too many, much satire, hoax and propaganda is now regarded as the real deal.

Surveys show that 4 out of ten Americans get their news strictly from the internet. Wow! That's frightening. It's sort of like waking up one day and discovering that 4 out of ten Americans got their news from comic books. Oh, wait! On second thought the comic books are probably more truthful than is face book and that ilk. Truth is, many sites today are propaganda vehicles to promote an agenda. they have no interest in impartiality or truth. We now live in an age of protest and advocacy where facts are secondary to the cause. The declining literacy level if the population enable that. Further, many schools indoctrinate rather than teaching the student to think critically and logically.

Let's face it, the internet is an idiots platform as well as a vehicle for the serious and informed. Society does rely too much on the internet as being a source of information. The reality is that it is a source of awhile lot of information that no one accept the reader can filter. Governments who try only promote their own propaganda. An informed, educated, serious reader is what the internet needs in order to fulfill it's promise. But that seems to be a declining population with each day.

By the way, did you know that Trump will just shoot all those illegal immigrants because it's easier that way. It must be true because I read it on the internet..............

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