Saturday, December 3, 2016

Santa Not Welcome Here

Santa Claus better stay away from Portland oregon this year.  That would be in uber liberal Portland and also in the Hillsboro School District, a western Portland-area public school system. The word is out that Santa should stay in the North Pole because he is too offensive for Portland's kids. Prime example of the PC police putting out the "Santa Not Wanted" sign is a  request that staff at Glencoe omit Santa Claus from the season's school decorations.
A school board directive memo to the Glencoe High School office staff read, "You may still decorate your door or office if you like, but we ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and beliefs of our community and refrain from using religious-themed decorations or images like Santa Claus." Other Portland public school districts abide by similar protocols for holiday ornaments. In Portland public schools, religious displays, when Christian oriented is practically a sin.

Wait a minute! Did those idiots in the school system say that Santa Claus is a negative image? And how is one to celebrate Christmas without "using religious-themed decorations"? Don't they know that Christmas is Christian holiday? Should I send them a memo that Christmas is a religious celebration?  Why would anyone be offended by the message of peace and love Christmas sends? I wonder if the school board would be offended by Muslim celebrations of their holidays? Muslims do celebrate their holiday in those schools and wear religious oriented clothing of Islam every day. So far no Christians or any of the believer of any other religion sects has demanded that that other religious holidays that are also celebrated in those schools be reigned in because those religious believers should also "be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and belief of our community".

Ah, the word "diversity" again! Is their any other word the left loves more than it's jaded interpretation and re branding of the word diversity?  Oh, perhaps they do love "racist" as much. In their world anyone who would oppose the crazy anti Santa policy is a "racist". In a nutshell, those two PC words are versatile. They mean if you oppose my idea are a pariah, a "Racist". Diversity is seen as honoring anything that is minority and trashing the majority belief. I say not Ho, Ho, Ho, but No, No, No, to that kind of left wing hypocrisy and hatred.

Let's see what Santa Claus is in the PC world. Hmmmm I hear from those fools on the left that Santa is a symbol of oppression, a religious icon, materialism unbound, the anti Allah to Muslims, and a sign of capitalist excess. I thought Santa Claus was a fun symbol of a holiday embraced by many of many faiths, a secular symbol that the PC world should actually welcome. Wy is the left threatened by those celebrating their faith through their holiday, only when the celebrators happen to be Christian? Why must the left try to change tradition  because they want to make insecure and slightly paranoid people feel more comfortable? What ever happened to not paying attention to what makes you uncomfortable?  Kind of what some Christians do with people who wear hijabs?  Someone should educate the left that inn a real world we can't pretend that all is what we want it to be. If one hates Christmas the sensible strategy is not not celebrate or ignore it, not ban it for others.

And in closing (aren't you glad I am almost done?) I say to the PC police and so sensitive anti Santa crowd... Why don't you relax, show tolerance for others and enjoy some fruitcake. Oh, and Merry Christmas to the PC Police and their minions!

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