Wednesday, December 28, 2016

PC Doll World

There are dolls with darker skin and hazel eyes. Some have freckles; others have black skin, curly hair or straight. I counted 40 different dolls with varying skin tones and permutations of hair texture. And what if your daughter has a disability? Or a food allergy? You can purchase hearing aids, allergy free lunches, diabetes kits, wheelchairs, and dolly crutches for your doll. Mattel has also stepped up to the plate with its bald dolls, for cancer sufferers. It also offers, among other ethnic and occupational variations, an African American nurse doll, and a black eye doctor doll. (What Mattel, she’s not smart enough to be a surgeon? Is it because she’s black? How non PC of you.)

The PC doll trend is driven by social media movements which pressure companies to manufacture racially and culturally sensitive merchandise. Lego’s latest doll called 'Hipster Dad' is a bearded, stay-at-home daddy, who pushes a stroller next to his business-suit-attired wife. It's the absurd manifestation of PC stupidity in that it promotes that as the norm. Yep! In case you haven't noticed, those plastic dolls that little girls love so much have become politically correct figures. Those crazy liberal diversity types have passed on their guilt about what they see as a "racist" or "not diverse enough" doll world to children. Is their really a need for plastic dolls to be politically correct? What does all this doll and toy conformity to "diversity" add up to? At least in its more exaggerated form, it represents another intrusion by the PC police to politicize every aspect of our lives, even to propagandize small children about stereotypes the PC crowd has about what humans should be and how they should act.

One one hand it's nice that a child with cancer can have a doll that looks like her, and ethnic dolls might help some children build self esteem. But that is a special niche doll. Today's dolls are all "diverse' and conform to PC ers ideas of what is right and wrong. In the past dolls have always been politically incorrect manifestations of childhood. They were not meant to teach the values that PC people like and most of us think are extreme. Sigmund Freud called them “uncanny” because they are a way for children to process fears and let their imaginations bubble up from the unconscious. Take that, left wing crazies!

When my daughter played with her dolls I noticed that the dolls inspired her imagination and brought about feelings not quite understood or resolved. They were blank slates, not politically correct lessons, that my daughter could mold into her own world view. Kids should not be indoctrinated with toys. They should use toys as a way of discovering their values and judging the values of the world. Today, the PC world and its slave, corporations fearing to dissent from PC orders, promotes the culture of hatred toward the "white world" and an anti imagination in kids. Dolls are now reflecting PC party line. Can't the left wait until our children are older to start brain washing them about the PC ideal? Small kids are not yet developed enough to recognize the brain washing and are damaged greatly by it.

Dolls should be made for ever ethnic group, religion etc. But  promoting an agenda of diversity in every doll is just a crime against our kids imagination

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