Sunday, October 16, 2016

What Are We?

I think I am having an identity crisis. Why, you might ask?  It's probably because the world can't settle for reality, that it needs to create its own reality when reality itself does not fit an individual's agenda. Here's an example that I just experienced while filling out a form on line here for a left wing, in the bubble Portland, Oregon. It asks to identify the person's sex.

Which best describes your gender identity? Check all that apply.

Wow! And I thought there were only two sexes. I know that DNA Chromosome thing says the same thing. But apparently, the city of Portland has discovered two other sexes and also says that one can be born with some "other" unnamed sex. That one must be classified "Top Secret" by the liberal  crowd that runs Portland. But what is that choice that says, Non-binary sex? Let me look and make sure before I prove my stupidity by defining itself.
Here's a definition and example from the Urban Dictionary....

"A person who identifies as neither male or female. These people usually go by the they/then pronoun, but will choose neo pronouns
Person 1: Who is Jay?
Person 2: Oh, that's Jay. They're non binary, so they don't go by he/him pronouns. They go by they/them pronouns.
Person 1: Ok, well they are cute.
Person 2:  Yes, I have eyes. I can see that.

What? I can't even understand the example. But I suspect it means that if you ask one who is confused whether her she is one of the two, the non binary answer means, "I am a frustrated Nazi feminist and don't recognize basic realities like genders. So I will give you a non answer by saying I am "non binary". I guess if you don't like what sex you are, create a fantasy sex as a replacement. I am thinking that non- binary differs from transgender in, that though both are imaginative "sexes, the latter is an androgynous identity.

Hmmm I wonder why we don't have androgyny bathrooms too? In the end I was so confused about the what sex I am question that I left it blank, under the assumption that the questioner would realize I have disavowed membership in the human race. It's easier to understand human identity that way.

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