Saturday, October 29, 2016

Liberal Diversity

One of the left wing's favorite words is "diversity". Like many words they use to slander their opponents or promote their agenda, diversity as used by the PVC crowd means something different that what a dictionary defines it to be. The dictionary says diversity means "to increase the variety of". But the PC er's say diversity means' Make everyone a winner, particularly those least deserving of winning. It seems to liberals that “diversity” only applies to racial and sexual minorities. They constantly denigrate the majority, particularly white males who are defined as oppressors and "privileged".

In this country it used to be a problem if one was not a member of the majority race or religion. Now, it seems to be moving toward the majority being the scorned and the minority favored. if that's so it's because the majority isn't organized and doesn't protect itself.  It seems embarrassed to do so because the screams from minorities of "unfair" makes them want to hide. The majority is defamed, scorned, accused of "racism", overtaxed, made fun of in the media and in movies, blamed for every ill in the nation, and on and on.

The problem for the majority is that if they complain or dare to change things, they are targets of the minorities and their liberal majority partners and  are accused of the left wing crowd's favorite, all purpose, most misused word- racist! If you are a minority member today in the United States and fail in some way, the standard excuse, and it works, is to claim to be a victim of racism. This is despite the fact that the federal and state government have numerous programs specifically for minorities of all sorts, paid for largely by the majority who are the primary tax payers in the country. Any program specifically designed to help a member of the majority exists only in one's imagination.

The United States used to be diverse in the non liberal sense. It had problems and discriminated against minorities often. But that has largely disappeared. People then celebrated who they were and didn't hold grudges against who they are not.  Sadly, the diversity that used to be the strength of the United States has become its greatest weakness. Sigh....I wish I were a minority.

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