Friday, October 7, 2016

The Anti Meritocracy Leftist Agenda

In the United States Obama era one of the uber liberal progressive targets these days is meritocracy, the idea that one's position in life should be based on merit not through entitlements or quotas. Meritocracy, the belief in this country for more than two centuries, says that your position in life should exclusively based on ability and talent.

The left wing today hates that, which is why we see the left push affirmative action quotas, income inequality programs, the white males as evil oppressors mentality, and the narrative that all the problems in the nation are the result of the "rich" class. Well, it is working for the left. They continue to elect candidates to office who continue who penalize the haves to help the have nots. The mantle of anti meritocracy is being passed to the evil Hillary Clinton, whose lack of ethical compass suits her well in enforcing the Obama legacy.  Their idea in a nut shell is that one who is not successful can be made successful by destroying those who through merit are successful.

Anyway, why I bring this up is because I happen to have stumbled on something about the champion of meritocracy, Albert Einstein. With its faults, meritocracy has been an incredibly successful path for many to achieve what they might not in the entitlement system of Obamism. We should remember that Einstein was the guy who fought the Nazi plan to dismantle meritocracy in German society, and also the fellow who championed in his new country, the United States.

The Nazis used the "meritocracy is evil because it helps Jews" mantra to convince ordinary but struggling Germans that their failures economically were because "the Jews controlled all the wealth in Germany".  Einstein helped thousands of Jewish Scientists to escape Nazi Germany, first by appealing to Winston Churchill to accept them as English citizens, then with similar appeals to Turkey, Canada the United States and other democratic states. In fact, Churchill once said that the flow of Jewish scientists into allied nations was the central reason Nazi Germany was defeated in W.W. II.

Yet we have no Einstein's today in this left wing Obama reign of terror. Hitler used terror to force his will, Obama uses political correctness. Hitler blamed the Jews for the failure of the economically distressed, Obama blames the wealthy and successful. Neither promoted education and hard work as a remedy for economic unhappiness.  They both used propaganda and a dumbing down of the masses with triviality as a distraction. Though I do not contend that Obama or the progressive crew today are Nazis or want that kind of  rule, it is no coincidence the goals to destroy and tactics used against meritocracy are the same.

An today we are left with an electoral choice between the Obama heir to anti meritocracy, Hillary Clinton, or the puzzling, clownish anti Obama alternative, Donald Trump. Sigh, where is Einstein when we most need him......

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