Sunday, October 2, 2016

Safe Targets

We are living in the age of over sensitivity. One who criticizes must be aware that some people can be critiqued and others can not.  And you'll be told quickly if you made a negative remark about the wrong target. It even extends to occupations. Say something critical about any aspect of the Muslim religion, for example, and there will be outrage. There might even be a personal Holy War against the guy who makes a joke about a hajab or other Muslim garment.
It's not fair to make some insulated from critique and others not. But our politically correct guardians are never about fairness, logic, reason or accuracy. Here are a few of the examples of who they say we can never criticize: women, Muslims, minority group members, liberal doctrine, rap music, poor people, non heterosexuals, unemployed people, homeless people, disabled people, get the idea.

Before I get myself in trouble for making a remark about one of the favored PC groups I shall switch to writing about those people/occupations we are allowed to criticize. Most are traditional ones, like politicians. Who can be blamed for talking badly about a politician. It's a time honored hobby we all love. We often can't stop them from governing badly pandering to us or stealing from us. Calling them names and pointing out their character flaws is the only thing than makes us feel good about politicians.

I am thinking about some other people or occupations we are allowed, even encouraged by the PC police from criticizing in this age of insensitivity. There are quite a few and most have been included because the politically correct types see them as evil or oppressive. Never mind that there is no truth to that notion. The PC police hates reason, truth and logic. In fact, some on the list we used to admire and would never give notion to critique of them. The culture of a society is changing and what is on top today is often scored and on the bottom tomorrow. How my disclosing these safe targets, the ones we are allowed and often encouraged to criticize?

I think that in the U.S. the police are now number one object of scorn today. They, not the criminals, get blamed for everything criminal in society. If a criminal is apprehended by the police while trying to flee and harmed in the process the police are accused of brutality. They are called pigs and other unpleasant names. The police are blamed for the crimes the criminals commit and scored when they catch and incarcerated as "targeting" the criminal. this is especially true in the United States when the person arrested is either black or Hispanic. According the the PC narrative today no black or Hispanic suspect is ever guilty of committing a crime. Instead, they are "targeted" and oppressed by the "pigs". No self respecting PC liberal would ever miss the chance to demonize a police officer (unless they need one to ward off a criminal attack on themselves).

Doctors are also safe targets. Many people think doctors are incompetent, money grubbing, elitists. This is the opposite view from our previous one that said doctors were  more like saints than sinners. I remember when a discouraging word about a doctor was looked upon as being a sacrilege. But the higher cost of medicine, mostly not the fault of doctors, has made the doctor the scapegoat for outrage. Today's doctor must feel like yesterday's used car salesman, scorned more than admired.

Another big safe target is the wealthy person. "The rich"  have become stereotypes for failure. PC liberals say that when someone is rich it's because he exploits some poor person. Oddly, they never can explain why they imagine that success for one person begets failure of another. You can call rich people any name you want, and lying about them is considered the norm. "The rich don't pay their share of taxes" is a favorite lie of the PC crowd.  If you show tax statistics that prove that it is just the reverse, that they actually pay a disproportional high rate of taxes, you will be called an elitist.  I think the wealthy today have replaced lawyers as the United States most hated group. So say something bad about a rich person today (unless it is a PC favorite like Bill Gates. They are never labeled as rich.)

White people are also good targets. The ones who most commonly criticize white people are other white people, PC liberals. If you are white today they claim that society gives you "white privilege". All success white people have is seen as a result of being given it. And the narrative also says every successful white person means some non white person is being "exploited" by the successful white. You can criticize white people about anything because all problems in he United States are seen by PC ers as the creation of white people.

Some other safe targets today include: insurance companies, bankers, Christians, men, conservatives, the educated,  people of faith, "climate deniers", gluten lovers, and traditional families. Fell free to add to the list because there are many more safe targets. If you are unsure, ask any in the bubble, PC, liberal. He or she can give you many more suitable targets.  So go for it and excoriate one or more of those safe targets. As for me, I think I should shut up now. I am probably already in trouble enough for writing this.

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