Monday, October 3, 2016

Tampons For Everyone!

This might sound like a joke, but it's not. Actually, it's a sad commentary at how far the United Sates has fallen to the left wing nuts who police the nation to follow political correctness.  Get it is....Brown University, a prestigious and highly liberal university has announced that tampons are now "a gender less necessity", and that the university will no provide free tampons in all campus rest rooms....including male rest rooms. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  Sorry, that was my primal scream in response to this stupidity.

In order to give access to trannies who wander into the men's room, the tampons will be delivered to male bathrooms by the university's student president, Viet Nguyen, as well as 20 volunteers, with Nguyen claiming the initiative is a means of educating students that men menstruate as well as women. Viet announced that,  “There’s been a lot of conversation about why pads and tampons are a necessity, not a luxury, but not a lot of action. We wanted to take it into our own hands.” It seems that Viet wants to open discussion about menstruation, "We hope that it contributes to the much larger conversation about the stigmatization of Menstruation", he said.

A lot of talk about putting tampons in male rest rooms? Open menstruation conversation? Really?  I wonder what Brown university is putting in the drinking water at the school water fountains. Even more weird than Viet's logic is that he and his tampon patrol student volunteers were publicly congratulated by Brown’s Director of News and Editorial Development, Brian Clark, who praised their “tremendous initiative”. I guess what the world needs now is for men to have more tampons in their pee stalls.

Well, this is just another nail in the coffin that there are two genders, and that one's gender is not what one wants to be, but rather it is what his or her chromosomes say it is. Hmmmm I wonder if Viet and the Brown crew will also put urinals in the female rest rooms. Oh... I shouldn't have suggested that. maybe I should go get one of those tampons and stuff it in my mouth to shut me up.

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