Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gay Ad Coming To You Soon

There's more proof that mass communication can change beliefs almost instantly. TV shows and commercial advertisements on them now almost routinely feature gay couples as the norm. Huge retail store Kohl's, for example, is putting us in the holiday spirit and in the mood for  gay Christmas with their latest commercial that shows a diverse family preparing a holiday meal together in a bustling kitchen. As they sit down to dinner, a gay couple, one black and the other white, share a toast of their love for the message of the holiday season and for each other.

The Kohl's ad advertisement comes the same week that Mattel featured a boy in a Barbie commercial for the first time ever.  While many on social media loved the idea of a small gay guy being seen as the new norm, others noted that the little boy was perpetuating “stereotypes” of gay men. And then there is a Campbell's Soup advertisement that features tow gay fathers. Click here to see that commercial

What is the new reality was bound to be shown as such even on TV commercials.  For most people there's nothing wrong with that for most of us. but some, particularly members of religious groups that claim any gay activity is a "sin" the idea of gay as mainstream suggests that the company advertising is promoting that lifestyle. In fact, American TV shows have long had gay couples as the norm on TV series, some even in amount way larger than the actual gay population the ads showcase. But the new proliferation of them shows how modern communication devices have sped the changes in cultural norms. What used to take generations now can change in a matter of months because the platform for the "new norm" is so pervasive, and some say intimidating. 

Politicians, for example, all seem to embrace the gay lifestyle as normal because to do other wise would be politically incorrect and a vote loser in the next election. How many remember that just a few years ago, for instance, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama routinely affirmed their belief that gay marriage should be illegal.  And now they promote it as a "right" for gay couples.  Things change so fast today that one can't blink or he or she will miss the evolution.

Those who disapprove of the new world cultural view of gay coupling should acknowledge that in the last few years the gay community has gone from being invisible in mainstream advertising to an unprecedented inclusion today, as advertisers around the world have dramatically warmed to including gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people in their general marketing messages.  Good for the gay couples out there. But for me, I care not whether the couple in an ad is gay or straight. My decision to buy or not to buy will be based on how much I like the product.

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