Friday, November 20, 2015

How Dare You Celebrate Christmas!

The annual politically correct anti Christmas wars have already started. And the first battlefields are at Target, Star bucks and Dunkin Donuts. It's all about our age of political correctness ruling reason. In this case it's the idea that some people are "offended" by the mention of the word Christmas or any reference to that holiday. In today's world non Christians see demonstrations of Christmas as offensive to them, since they do not believe in any pat of the Christmas narrative. Never mind for example, that Christians almost never complain about public expressions of non Christian holidays like Ramadan or Jewish holidays like Chanukah. "Diversity in the U.S. now means the minority is preferred to the core culture.

The first public business to be assaulted this year by Christmas haters for its stance on Christmas expression was Star bucks, who really seems more merry about its overpriced high profit merchandise, not about Christmas. It involved the annual Christmas decorated paper cup in which Star bucks puts its coffee. That's because in response to complaints by anti Christmas people this year Star bucks has no Christmas design or Christmas greetings on it's cups. Instead, it's selling it's coffee in plain red cups. Star bucks said the unadorned cup allows customers "to put their unique drawings and message on it", but most people say it's one more way that companies are stripping the Christmas message from the holiday season because they fear the few crazies who are "offended' will use social media to damage any Christmas thumbed business product, or its general sales for that matter, that they try to sell. Sigh, at the holiday season there always seems to be more people who can't wait to find something "offensive", who emerge from the shadows, and become Grinch-like and attempt to ruin the spirit of the holidays because Christmas "offends" them.

Target is also being called horrid names, because among its many annual Christmas sweater collection there is one in Christmas colors that jokingly says 'Obsessive Christmas Disorder' on the front. The politically correct rarely smile or laugh because they are constantly saddened by being offended. On social media some have criticized the shirt for trivializing the mental disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 

That seems odd to me. The reference to OCD is much like the common figurative references everyone makes, even the politically correct crowd, to someone being "nuts". When a person calls someone nuts as in, "You're going to marry her! You must be nuts, Fred", I do not think that name caller is referring to the general idea of mental illness. It is merely a colloquial reference. While Target  says it "regrets" that some customers are offended by the sweater (nice politically correct apology, Target), there are no plans to remove the item for sale, according  a Target spokesman. I say, "Bravo, Merry Christmas and Up Yours" to the oversensitive politically correct Christmas hating bores out there.

But my favorite politically correct Christmas incident this year involves a response to the stupidity of the other two incidents. Dunkin’ Donuts just start a war against Star buck's being too politically correct about mentioning what is now that dirty word "Christmas". It has put out it's own seasonal coffee cup design in response to the idiotic controversy over Star bucks' plain red coffee cup. The Dunkin’ Donuts cup has a green and red holiday design and says "Joy" in red letters. While the cup doesn't explicitly say "Merry Christmas," (writing that that is considered a mortal sin for a business in the U.S. today) it's a least a beginning for businesses to take back the right to celebrate Christmas as they wish. On social media sites many questioned whether the "Christmas" design was a jab at Star bucks' plain red cup. It was. And to that I say, "Hallelujah and Merry Christmas".

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