Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Muslim Attack On Decency

It's November and I now have the excuse to locate my favorite Christmas music radio station, bookmark it and play it on my computer while I ponder concerns both small and mighty. Speaking of mighty, the attack on Paris by the demented "religious" Muslim terrorists is more than sad. A beautiful city in a nation that more often than not takes a slap rather than gives one, should affront any decent person. It does. Problem is, many Muslims extremists never will be decent people. Normality for them is perversion, so they brought to France a French version of 911. And the west twitters and sighs but does nothing to stop the madness.

I am not surprised at the action of those terrorists who attacked Paris. Ask Russia, who lost a plane filled with innocent travelers to those nuts. When Europe allowed the mass immigration of Muslims and Africans who really wanted to be there only because of the huge welfare state benefits offered, and not for the pronounced reasons of "freedom" and opportunity, it attempted suicide with its political correctness.  For more than twenty years Western Europe has opened its doors to many who don't want to assimilate and who regard their new nation as a replica of the old one from which they fled. They seek only to replicate their culture, traditions and laws in their new European nation, not to assimilate and become European.  It is a recipe for disaster when nations allow immigrants to "help them". An immigrant should be accepted only if he or she potentially will give back more to the new nation than he or she takes from it.

The worst kinds of immigrants are the poor and unskilled and the immigrant who transfers only for economic gain and not to become a member of the new nation.  It's not politically correct to write thus, but many of those Muslims who immigrate to Europe are lousy immigrants who take from their new home and give little, or who give discord and in some cases senseless intolerance or terrorism. And now that the word is out that anyone can simply walk into Europe and claim it as home, more than a million unvetted Muslims are storming the gates. Maybe we should hum a dirge for Europe.

The western liberalism model has been a failure for a long time, yet it is embraced even more today by the voting population and by liberals as a whole because of its generosity. Those who don't work, don't contribute to the nation or claim the largest welfare payments most love Europe (and the U.S.) and the welfare benefits it offers. Politicians are interested only in staying in power, so they welcome more and more immigrants who are unfit for movement and will never adapt to the culture of the new nation. It's a betrayal of both reason and the inhabitants of the European nations who deserve better.

The floodgates to Europe from the Mid East are open now. Massive immigration form Africa is evolving as well. I doubt the gates can be closed, and even if so, Europe already possesses many more future terrorists. More bombs, more killings more unspeakable violence, the kind which we today can't even fathom, will continue to occur not just in France, but in Western Europe at large. Forget it! I think I'll pretend as the liberals do that all people are loving and deserve whatever they wish to have. I'm going to turn up the volume of that Nat King Cole classic 'O Tannenbaum and keep my head in the clouds like the fools who created this mess still do. Better to pretend it will be better than watch too closely the carnage.

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