Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Almost Giving Thanks

It's the holiday season and that means we should reflect and evaluate our past year, give thanks for the good things in our lives. But wait! There's no fun in being that positive. Let Buddha reflect, not I. I am better at venting about things that I am not thankful for.  Hmmm Maybe I should meet the reflecting types half way and combine my no thanks with thanks. I'll try that....sort of.

One thing I give thanks for is that there were no new Kardashians to hit the airwaves. But then, Bruce Jenner changed sex and promoting him/herself all over the media this past year. That sort of kills the Kardashian elation I have. However, the Caitlin Jenner nonsense will surely flame out in the coming year. It's hard to spin  much positive from that confused Jenner guy/girl. I think he/she may become more pathetic than politically correct in 2106.

Thanks number two is that President Obama has become so annoyingly incompetent and partisan that he is no irrelevant to Americans and every world leader. They all have no respect for Obama, but then who could? We have to endure just one more year with the worst President in modern times. Uh, now the bad news. It appears that that pathological liar, that incompetent fool, the lady who envisions herself a Queen, one Hillary Clinton will take Obama's place on the presidential stage in 2016. The voters in the U.S. , being a largely uninformed, politically correct lot will no doubt show up and elect her as the new Obama.  I suspect after the first year of President Hillary even I may re write history and praise Obama.

Thank you number three is a hope more than a fact. I am hopeful that in 2016 some of the many phony politically correct issues ands groups will wear themselves thin and disappear (no doubt to be replaced by even more onerous ones). I am saying novenas, for example, that the racist 'Black Lives Matter' movement will stop hating Asian, Hispanics and Whites and look in the mirror for explanation why that minority group lives so much in despair, havoc violence and economic distress. One must clean one's own house before complaining about a ugly front porch of someone else's house.

I also give thanks that many more here are now seeing the 'War Against Women', 'Income Inequality', and endless other phony causes are losing traction (it takes time for some people to think and discover truth). I have a glimmer of hope that instead of a year of perception is reality, we will have just plain old reality. I also want the English language to return to the precision it used to have before the politically correct crazies changed it to fit their artificial agenda. Even the trendiest PC causes get stale. Many of 2015's already smell like fish.

So those are a few of my almost thanks.  But whether I am right or wrong about 2015, I am sure there will be a new set of irritants in 2016 to rant about. I know, you give your own "no thanks" to that!

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